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Surprise my wonderful Flamies!!

I know, I know. I am just overloading you with stories, but I couldn't wait to share this with you!

One of my amazing readers, sueoku, contacted me today and asked if I wanted to write a collaboration with her. I adore her writing (and if you haven't gone to her page, do it now!!! She is amazing!!!), so I instantly agreed! We have been working hard all day to come up with an amazing story idea that I think you're going to love!

As for my standard warning: This story will contain many triggering elements such as violence, torture, boyxboy, smut, mpreg, forced situations, etc. If any of this is uncomfortable for you than this story isn't for you!

The cover are was made by sueoku herself!

The edits on the next page are done by me!

As you read, please take note that anything in bold is the character's wolf talking, and anything in italics is the characters talking through their mind link.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I do already. I am so excited to see where this goes <3

As always, my heart belongs to all of you <3<3<3

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