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As Mingi strolled through his territory to go and retrieve Yeosang's god forsaken pickles, he backtracked to the thought of his precious mate.

The night they mated, Mingi never felt a connection deeper then what he experienced with Yeosang. He never had a  good relationship with his parents, the constant pressure of being the oldest son and upholding the family name always a burden on him. But with Yeosang, he never once mentioned his heritage, he simply wanted to be close to him and be his friend when they were young.

But as the two of them grew older, and feelings started to surface with small acts of flirting, rumors started to bubble. Many people in the pack started to assume Yeosang was after the Song name, and Mingi snarled at anyone who he saw shooting Yeosang dirty looks when they would go into the market together.

Mingi hated his pack town with a passion, the fashion at what they treated omegas was disgusting, and every time Mingi went to bed and heard the cries of the abused omegas, he clenched his fist at the thought of his head alpha allowing and even encouraging this mistreatment.

And when the time finally came for Yeosang's parents to decide he would mate someone that wasn't Mingi, the pair went ballistic. Mingi begged his parents to let him court Yeosang, but the Songs were a family of strong alphas and betas, they'd never allow Mingi to mate a delicate omega like Yeosang.

Yeosang's chosen mate, a narcissistic alpha named Mino, was not thrilled about his future mate at all. The very first day they meet, Yeosang didn't 'address him probably' and smacked him across the room in anger.

So later that night, when Yeosang knocked on Mingi's window with a swollen cheek and tears streaming down his face, he did what he had too. They mated, and even though it was rushed and unexpected, Mingi never felt more complete then when he held Yeosang in his arms and cleaned the fresh mark on his neck.

When they soon realized the severity of their forbidden mating, Mingi packed everything in his room they thought they would need and stole money from his family safe. Yeosang said he didn't want to take a single thing from this pack, and they ran, their black and dark brown coats protecting them from alerting anyone that they were escaping in the night. Mingi entrusted the help of his trusted friend Daehyun, a gate guard, to let them pass and act as if he's never seen them leave.

They travelled for weeks, until Yeosang started to feel ill and they had to slow down, but his wolf quickly told him what was wrong.

He had fallen pregnant from their first time together, and they both agreed that it was a blessing from the moon goddess and a sign they were meant to be together.

Around Yeosang's third month, Mingi encountered unclaimed territory and sighed in relief. He has felt awful that he had to make his now pregnant mate travel so much, but they had to get as far away from that place as possible.

But Mingi jumped on top of Yeosang to protect him when two unknown wolves also entered the territory. It was a alpha, a little on the smaller side, and a larger beta.

Mingi's alpha instincts immediately went into overdrive, and him and the new alpha started to become territorial, Yeosang doubled over and gasped in pain, and Mingi immediately snapped out of it and attended to his mates needs.

Even after their rocky start, The four of them eventually learned of each other's past and become one pack, with Mingi leading and Hongjoong second in charge.

And even after all this time, their silly arguments and sleepless nights wondering if they'd be caught, Mingi still loves Yeosang just as much as the first day they mated.

As Mingi continues to walk through his territory, lost in thought of his precious Sangie, the hackles on the back of his neck stand and as his nostrils flare as he catches scent of someone close the border.

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