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Jongho, you stupid bastard. Don't leave me yet. Don't leave your pup. Don't leave your pack.

Slowly, and painfully, Jongho opens his eyes and looks around him. San's above him, his eyes closed and his head titled back as he continues to talk to him through their link. Jongho's eyes then shift to the side, and he feels a sense of gratitude fill his body when he sees Seonghwa and Wooyoung sleeping peacefully. Though he still looks skinny and malnourished, Wooyoung is safe. And so is Seonghwa. Jongho did his job.

Jongho continues to look around him, and it doesn't take long for him to figure out that they're in a horse pulled cart, and he finally manages to remember what happened.

He managed to catch Wooyoung just before he hit the ground, and as he was untying the noose from around his neck, Mingi came flying into the platform, making it crumble over the both of them. Jongho acted fast, and he used his body to cover the omega and prayed that they'd make it out. After that, he remembers nothing.

...Jongho? Are you awake?

The alpha in question grins as San's panicked voice comes through.

Yes, I am. I'm okay.

Jongho grins as San pulls him up into a tight hug, quiet sobs racking through his mates body as he scents him within a inch of his life.

"I-I thought you wouldn't make it..I was so scared you left me..I was so worried I would be on my own again.." Jongho holds back tears of his own as he hears San talk, and he shushes him with a deep kiss and content grumble in his chest.

"I'm stronger then that, I won't leave you. Ever. We're gonna grow to be so old and wrinkly our pups will have great grand kids."

San laughs at his mate's remark, and he pulls him in for another kiss, this one conveying all the love and affection he has for his mate. "I can't believe you can still joke..You scare me within a inch of my life and this is how you respond?" Jongho grins as he lays another kiss on his mate's cheek.

"Jongho..? Are you okay?"

The alpha in question looks over to his side as Wooyoung starts to wake up along with Seonghwa. The omegas look beyond exhausted, they're both dirty and thin, but they're safe.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll probably just be a bit sore for a few days. What about you? And the pup?"

"I'm alright, and so is the pup..I almost lost them, but they're really strong. This really is your pup after all."

Jongho laughs at Wooyoung's remark, but his grin quickly disappears as he looks up at Seonghwa.

"Hwa? What happened when I was knocked out? How did we win?"

"I...killed my mother. She was dragging me away, and when she tried to shift I swiped at her, she smacked into a building, and didn't get up. I didn't check to see if she made it, There was no point. Mingi, Hongjoong and two other alphas managed to take down my father, and Mingi almost lost his life..And when the time came for someone to finish him off, I couldn't even do it. I let him do it." Seonghwa closes his eyes and looks to the side, reflecting the pain he had to be feeling.

Jongho nods in understanding, and he chooses his next words carefully. "What's..going to happen to Blue Star? You're the only heir, and both of the leaders are gone."

Seonghwa bites his lip and he looks down at Wooyoung in his arms, and he grabs the omega hands to press a kiss to them. "It doesn't matter anymore, I don't know and I don't care. I never wanted to be heir, and I definitely won't go back to see what happens. This should be a 'fuck off' to anyone who tries to look for me again. I'm guessing one of my fathers advisors will become the new Head Alpha, because my father will be the last Park to ever rule that Pack."

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