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Wooyoung knew the entire ride to the palace that he was probably never going to get to see Seonghwa again once they got there.

He spent so much time trying to build up walls around his heart, but they meant nothing when he saw the pained look on his mates face as he was being dragged up the stairs.

Seonghwa had tried to fight for him, but his omega blood still ran thick through him, so as soon as his father came out and started barking orders Seonghwa had been forced to submit.

They never even stood a chance.

And now Wooyoung was curled up in a cold, stone cell with his ankles and wrists shackled so he had no chance of running if he managed to escape the cell.

Like he even stood a chance though. Beta guards were stationed right outside his door and he knew there had to be some at the end of the hall too.

Familiar faces now looked down on him with disgust, and he knew they had seen his stomach... The stories they had to be coming up with were something he tried to not think about as the cold started to seep into his skin, right down to the bone.

The omega could still feel his mate, they were close enough that they were still connected, but he knew he couldn't act on it.

And he knew Seonghwa wouldn't either after all the conversations they had.

The most dangerous thing for Wooyoung at this moment was for Seonghwa to reveal that they were mated.

Although the more he thought about it... It was going to be revealed at some point.

There was no doubt in his mind that his parents would try to set Seonghwa up with an alpha as soon as possible, and that the alpha would waste no time in biting over the mark on Seonghwa's neck.

And if that happened, it would most likely kill Wooyoung.

He had no idea how that would work for Seonghwa though. Usually when mating bonds break, it's the omega that's effected the most.

So what would happen with two omegas?

There was no information or stories on what would happen, so there was so much they didn't know...

Seonghwa pressed against his mind, sensing his fears, and Wooyoung let out a small whine while rubbing his stomach as best he could with his bound hands.

Jongho had to be going crazy right now... And Wooyoung found himself missing both him and San very much, as well was the rest of the pack.

But he knew he would most likely never see them again. Not with the strength of Blue Star's military.

They are coming. Seonghwa said quickly.

His warning gave Wooyoung just enough time to try and sit up straight before the loud clanking of keys hit his ears.

The cell door was yanked open and he looked up at Seonghwa's father, although he immediately fell back into old habits and bowed his head in submission. It didn't stop him from seeing that Seonghwa looked more and more like his father every day. The strong jawline, squared face, and hard glare.

Seonghwa should have been born an alpha like his father. Then they would be almost identical. But instead, Seonghwa had a softer look to his eyes that showed his compassion for others.

Wooyoung's chest hurt when he thought about it.

"Well? What do you have to say for yourself?" The head alpha growled.

The small omega closed his eyes and swallowed.

"I gave you a roof to live under. Decent pay. Food for your table. A safe home. A pack that would protect you. And you repay me by kidnapping my son?"

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