Accidental kiss

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2 months later. 


"Aradhana wake up!" I called her but she just groaned and covered her face with the blanket.

Today was the day I was going to leave her and return back to India. I don't want to be a burden on her. I didn't tell her about this. I make a mess everywhere I stay. My family will take all my responsibilities but not any outside person. I want to enjoy my last day with her for one last time. A month ago I realised that I love her but cannot let it out as I know she loves someone else. I don't want to be a barrier in her love life. Whatever. This girl won't wake. I will go and make breakfast.

I picked up my kid from the crib and headed down towards the kitchen. I started looking for the ingredients when I found that the main spice- Black pepper is missing. I love having it. Leave it. Let's make something sweet dish today. I searched for my phone when I realised that it was in the bedroom. I went up and opened the door and saw her blowing her hairs. And most importantly she was wearing a blue Saree today. What's special today? Am I missing out something? Maybe.

"Good morning." I said

"Goodie mooonniinnngggg." She said like a kid. She is a kid.

"Why saree today?" I asked gazing the patterns made on the cloth.

"Oh! I am going to a temple. It's nearby. It has been two months of his birth and I am sensing danger in his stars. So going to pray for him. You can also accompany me. " She said in a worried tone.

"Sure. I will also come. " I smiled at her to cheer her up.

"Okay but just have some tea. Nothing else. If you want to fast for this little one. I am taking a fast. " She said.

"Hmm. He is my one and only love. I will also take a fast for him. "I said as I kissed his forehead. I won't let anything harm him.

"Okay. Get ready soon. I will make breakfast."

"Hmm. " I replied and she took him from my arms and went down.

Maybe I should leave him with her. She can be a loving mom to him. Wait wait wait. I am his father then she SHOULD be his mother. After all I love her without her knowledge 😜.

I went down to see her in the kitchen while he was sitting in his little chair. She made some tea and came out with two cups.

"Here. Finish it fast. " She said and drank her tea in a single time.

I too finished mine and she closed each and every window of the house. She again came down adjusting her pallu and wore a jacket over it. Tieing her hair with a cluture she went out with me following her. I also took him with us.

We reached the temple in a short time by walking. We took off our sandals and shoes and entered the temple. We greeted the priest who to my surprise was also Indian. We sat on our knees in front of Lord Krishna's idol  and joined our palms.

"Tum dono shaadi shuda ho? " The priest asked us.

"Nahi. Iski abhi shaadi nhi hui hai. Aur mera divorce ho gaya hai to mai abhi filhal iske saath hi reheta hu. "I said and he didn't ask further.

"Thik hai. Continue" He said and I closed my eyes.

After sometime we both finished our prayers and I opened my eyes and looked at her. She had not yet opened her eyes. I noticed a drop of tear on her cheek. I wiped it gently with my finger gai ing her attention. She looked at me and I smiled at her. She forced a smile back at me. She is still scared.

"Everything will be okay. Don't worry." I consoled her and she nodded.

She got up and went to the priest and handed him sone coins and a cloth she knitted for Gopal. It was of Yellow colour. She also handed him another piece of cloth. I recognised it. It was the Pitambara.  I also went to them when she was narrating her insecurity.

"Don't worry. Till the time he is with you and the little boy, nothing will happen to anyone of you. " He said pointing at the idol.

"Thank you maharaj ji " She said and bent down to take blessings from him..


We left from there and returned back to there home. I made Aditya break his fast as I  knew if he was hungry for a long time he will burst like a volcano.

"You also break yours. " He said.

"No I will break mine in the evening. " I replied.

"Oh okay. ! "

The whole day I did not consume anything else than water. It was almost time for my fast to be broken.

I went to the terrace with a small kalsh containing
'Ganga Jal'. I poured it on the Tulsi Plant I grew. After that I went down to find both of them sleeping on the couch. I was about to break my fast when he came and stopped me.

"What?" I asked him

"You kept our fast for baby so he will break your fast. "

"Hmm. Thoughtful."

"Hehe. I know I am clever.

" Idiot." I slapped his arm.

I lifted the plate in front of them. He held the glass of water while he made the kid place his palms over his Papa's. They (technically him) made me drink water. Then they fed me the sweet. With this they both or he broke my fast.

"Done baby? Or anything else is left?" He asked in a kiddish tone.

He didn't utter anything. Obviously he doesn't know how to speak. Haha.

After dinner.

We were watching a comedy film where I was sitting and he was lying.

There was a funny scene where the main hero tries to get his girlfriend out of the water but ends up falling himself.

"Adi see--" I looked at him to see his eyes closed

"Hey dude wake up." I nudged him but he didn't move. What happened.

I put my finger under his nose but felt no breath coming out.

"Hey don't be dead idiot. Or I will start tickling you. " He still did not move.

"Rictusempra! " I said dramatically and started tickling him.

I kept uttering the fictional charm. I saw his eyebrows moving and I confirmed that he was awake.

Suddenly he got up and held my wrists and knocked me down on the bed sealing his lips with mine. WHAT THE HELL?! We just realised what we did and separated immediately being embarrassed. He was embarrassed but here I was blushing.

"Umm. Sorry. That idiotic spell was irritating me. "
He apologized.

I couldn't reply anything as I was still lost in our little moment.


She didn't reply anything even after I apologized. I am sure she is hell angry on me because of my behavior. Uh! I am an idiot. A big idiot.

She continued watching the film while I quickly lied down beside her and fell asleep.


Hope you all liked it?.


--Author ✨✨

𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now