(Season 3)

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It was two day before we would leave. We already bought the dresses. His also. The elders decided to keep a theme for the wedding function. So since it was going to be a much greater one, they finalized
the 'Rajasthani theme' . I was happy because I did not knew how the Rajasthani wedding work out.

And aunty also gave me a traditional Rajasthani printed skirt with full 'gher'.

It was so beautiful.

I was sitting in the balcony when I recived a call

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I was sitting in the balcony when I recived a call.

I picked it up.

"Hello? Is this Ms. Singh talking?" A voice said.

"Y yes. Can u pls tell me ur name?" I asked.

"Oh um. I am ur colleague, a new one- Sophia McCarthy . I guess your friend filed for a divorce? " She  asked.

Oops! His divorce case! I totally forgot about it.

"Y ya. I know. He's my client. So is there any need?"

"Umm yes ma'am. I went to your house, but you were not there. I thought u must have been on a break maybe?" She asked.

"Oh yes. Actually I am in India, Jaipur. I basically came for the celebration of Holi but finally getting married. " I replied.

"Oh congratulations Ma'am. But I guess u would have to attend the hearing for the custody of his child.. That was written in the reports."

I went silent at this. His child. Our child. Our dead child.

I couldn't hear anything else than his faint cheerful giggles, his tantrums. What I could only see was his face, those lips which parted to produce the most beautiful sound. His hands which he used to express his emotions. His smile, so mesmerizing just like his father.

Just then a hand touched my cheeks and wipped off my tears. I saw him sitting in front of me holding my hand.

"Ma'am? " She spoke.

"Y yes. We will come after a few days. " I said and cut the call. My breath rates became high as I was reminded of the moments I spent with the Lil one.

I looked at him and he seemed to have understood my emotions. He hugged me stroking my hair lightly.

"Forget it. Just live in the moment." He said. I nodded.

"Mumma! Aunty. " I said entering their room. I mean that they were just sitting in a room.

"Aree. Aao. " Aunty said as she embraced me lovingly.

𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now