Blames and plans (revised)

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It was almost 2 am when I woke up hearing his cries. I switched on the light and looked at his face which had become red due to crying continuously. I pulled him on my lap and patted his chest with my left palm while my other arm stretched to grab the milk bottle. I shook it for 3-4 times and checked the warmth.

I opened the cap and brought it near his lips. He pouted his lips indicating me to put it in his mouth. He drank one-third of it. Once finished he left the bottle by moving away his face. I covered it and put it beside me.

I could see that his eyes did not even have a trace of sleep. But I was sleepy!!!!  I put him over my  shoulder and got down the bed. I swayed him from one side to another and he seemed to enjoy it. Suddenly my phone rang.

Who is caling so late now?  I saw the caller Id. It's Aditya. IT'S ADITYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! 

But but but. By the time I could swipe up the green button, the call declined. I was now a ocean of sorrow. Why the hell is he calling me and then not talking to me? I could feel a wet streak on my cheek. I sat down on the bed tired from all the things going on in my life.

I again laid him down on the bed and covered him with the blanket. I went down to the kitchen and made some coffee for me. I went up leaving the lights on. I grabbed my phone and sat on the window bed pressing the power button of the phone. I opened whatsapp. Opening his chat I saw that he was online.

Him                                                                  Me

Why did you cut the call even
before I picked up?


(Five minutes later)

What the hell are typing for soooo long?

(No reply)

I threw the phone which thankfully landed on the bed. I stared at the sky which was covered in a blanket of shimmering stars. Suddenly my phone rang. I rushed to pick it up before he wakes up.

It was one of my friends. Wowwww! She is also awake now. Let's talk.


I told my family members about what Sahana did to me. They all were furious on her, exept one person- my maasi. She did not like Aradhana very much, but she always took Sahana's side.

"You know what Aditya? You are an idiot. Such a big idiot. What was the need to call her to go with you guys? " She said.

"Because she is my friend. " I answered calmly.

"So what? Is she your wife or something like that?" She mocked.

"She's not but will be soon." I blurted out without my knowledge. But thankfully no one paid attention to my words. But I guess someone did.

"She is a bitch you know? She always sticked to you. Also u? Whenever she asked you to go with her, you would dumbly accept it. "

"Maasi mind your words. Be in your limits. You very well know that she is a lawyer and can put you behind the bars any minute." I warned.

"Oh shut up! She cannot do anything to me- Kajal Aggarwal"(she is married)

"Kajal! Keep ur mouth shut! " Dad yelled.

"Why should I? She was the one who went with you two, got I'll purposely knowing that she has allergy from insects. Simply she wanted you to get attracted to her. "

"If she wanted me to get attracted to her then she would have been doing things she doesn't do. Wouldn't she?" I asked with a smirk.

"Talking with you is like- bhains ke aage bin bajana. " She said and I knew she was defeated.

Soon we all retired to our rooms and I went to mine lost in her thoughts.


Tomorrow I will go to her house to do something which would affect her badly. Guess what? I will mix tranquilizers in his milk and feed him that. That would damage his immature organs. Soon he would be out of this world with her. While I would give him the poison I stole from the chemist, he will stab her to death. And Adi will also die out of pain of her loss.


Sorry for this boring one😅

A little glimpse of a destructive plan.

Hope you like it 💖

Okay so I will not update from tomorrow as my exams are ten days away. So please fulfill the targets till 20th March.

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--Author ✨✨

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