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I was sitting in my office when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said without looking up at the file.

A girl in her 20's entered and closed the door. I wasn't looking at her but I could tell that she was not here for work but for some other reason. And not a good reason.

"Sir, please check this one. They are saying that-" She came and sat on my desk but I was still focused on my work.

"That?" I asked her to continue.

"- that the victim had a loss of  ₹10000."

"Hmm. You can go."

"Why?" Her voice became more deep.

"Because it's a office and you are sitting in my cabin on my table and I DON'T LIKE YOU!" I glared at her and she quickly hopped down the table and muttered a small sorry and quickly left the room.

As soon as she left, I burst out laughing. A young girl, came to seduce me, and here I shooed her off! 🤣

But soon that laughter turned into tears as my mind suddenly went back into the past.


I was walking down the corridor searching for our bio teacher. I was soooo lost in my duty that I did not notice that someone was coming in front of me. Me being dumb continued to jog through the way. But soon was pinned into the wall by a junior. Wow! Peheli baar dekha ki ek senior ko koi junior pata ne aayi hai! Waah! Taj! I was scared as I was innocent that time. Didn't even know the meaning of seduce. She pointed her finger on the sweet spot between my neck and collar bone. She was looking at me direct into my eyes and I closed my eyes afraid.

"Open your eyes baby!" That girl whispered biting my earlobe.

"Oucchhh! " I shrieked in pain which called some girls and guys from the ground.

She quickly separated from me and I breathed in relief. I turned to go but collided with Aru. Her files fell off and she glared at me dangerously. I gulped my saliva down in fear.

"Agli baar dekhlungi. " She whispered and bent down to collect her files back.

"Let me help you. " I bent down and she looked at me while her hair disturbed her vision. She blowed it but settled back on her face making her eyes stick on her nose. She looked soooooooooooo cute! She pouted angrily and at that moment I wanted to kiss that. I took a deep breath calming down my nerves.

Soon our work was done and it was time to go home. We all left college and I asked Sahana and Aru to have a get together at someone's place. Aru suggested hers so we both agreed.

At evening*

When I went to her house she opened the door without even knowing that it was me. Her house was little but cosy. Just like me. We all were at places far from our parents so we often had small parties together. A boy lives near mine, I told him about today's meeting but he denied saying he has to study.

So I went first. She led me to her room and pushed me inside then herself came in. She did not lock the door but kept it ajar as the ac was on. Suddenly she wondered something and got up to her table and started searching for something. I too got up from my place and stood close behind her putting my arms on each side locking her between me and the table. I was innocent but I very well knew how to flirt. She turned around to go but collided right into me. Her lips slightly touched mine and I shivered. Her eyes locked into mine and our souls were locked with each other.

"Well you know what? Sometimes moments should never end. ". I whispered leaning in closer to her.

Before anything could happen the door bell rang and bringing both of us out of our trance. She quickly adjusted her clothes and rushed down to receive her.

Flashback ends*

I was so lost in our moment that I didn't realise that my phone was ringing. As I was about to pick it up the call cut. I saw the missed call and slapped my forehead. She again called and I did not pick up. She will be really mad at me.

Huh! I am still a big idiot!!!!!



A bonus for you all.

Hope you like it.


-- Author ✨✨

𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now