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I woke up in the morning feeling cold as my blanket fell off. I suddenly felt a weight on my hand and found that the baby was sleeping with ME. How? Although he looked really cute I felt terrified. How can he climb out of his crib and climb up the bed? Creepy. 

But then I noticed that Adi was not on the other side. It was all empty. Oh! must be in the kitchen. I Got up only to realize that  the room looked a little bit empty. My heart dropped at the sight. I quickly got up placing the baby on his crib and ran down. 

He was not in the kitchen as well. Did he go out for a morning walk? Maybe. I should not get tensed he will return soon. I again went up to freshen up and in a few minutes I came out only to find Chicko licking baby's face. I smiled at them though I had a fear that he would not return. I decided to call him. I picked up my phone and dialed his number. It rang for a few times and declined. I again dialed his number but the response was same. I tried several times. 

"The person you are calling is currently unavailable, please try some time later." The voice came making me irritate like hell.

I decided to go out and search for him like yesterday. I wore my hoodie and trek pants and again yesterday's routine followed. After I searched for an hour, I felt a harsh pain in my lower abdomen. I ran back home realizing that I was on my periods. Silly things. I quickly took another shower and came out wearing the 'thing' . I went down and made some chocolate shake with the dark chocolates. I felt a lot of relief. I suddenly noticed a bit of paper lying between the sofa cushions. I pulled it up to see it was a whole note. It read-

"Dear Aru,

It's me ur Adi. I am sorry I needed to do this. I feel like I am becoming a burden on you, because I make mess around and make you work extra. I felt like I am spoiling your routine. I really wish that this distance would end soon. I had some work at my office so I need to leave. I know by the time you read this I will be gone. I know you will be mad after reading this. I had my flight at 5 so I left at 2:30 am. I kept the baby by your side. I am giving you responsibility of my baby. I want you to be a mother to him. take care of yourself and him and Chicko. I hope I will return soon. 

Bye-- See you soon love!" 

He left me all alone. He didn't even tell me about his departure. He left me heartbroken. He called me 'love' that tells he had the same feelings for me. But why didn't he tell me? Am I so untrustworthy? Who would tell me jokes now? Who would cuddle me in his arms now? Who would make me delicious food? Who would sleep with me? Who would 'Love' now? 

I broke down into tears as I realized that why the room looked so empty. Still his scent lingered in my room. I gazed at the little soul who was busy playing with my pet. I shouldn't fall weak in his absence. If I fall sick then who will take care of my baby. I will fulfill his every untold wish. I need to be strong. I only know that he is always with me no matter wherever he is. 

I heard a knock on the door and went down to take a look at the visitor. I opened the door to find Lewis standing there. 

"What?" I asked without opening the door. 

"Open the door." 

"No. If you have any valid reason then only I will open the door."  I said. 

"What valid reason? I came here to meet you." His silly reason pissed me off and I shut the door on his face. 


I hope she read the letter. I even confessed my feelings in that letter. I know she might be hell mad at me for not telling her about my situation. I am sure she will take care of 'OUR' baby well till the time I return. I hope we would meet soon. And I want to go to my mother and right now I am in the cab heading to my home. I am excited to meet my real family. 


Sorry for short chapter.

Guys I will post only one chapter today as my exams are approaching and I might not post in the last week of Feb. 

What do you think that why did Lewis turn up at her door? 

Don't give answers like 'Author knows' or 'Aap hi jano anu ji.' 

Give me your thoughts.


--Author ✨✨

𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now