The comeback

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Continue in Aradhana's pov-

"He is no more" WHAT THE HELLLLLL!!!

"What do you mean by that? " I asked as my breath hitched in fear and tears formed at the back of my eyes.

"He... Is dead."

"No! This cannot be true! You are lying I know! " My tears spilled off.

This cannot be true! I promised him and myself to take care of the baby! How will I live without him?! What will I tell Adi?!

These thoughts were roaming in my mind and I did not know what happened next cuz I again lost my concious.


I was inside the plane sitting on the window seat.....

I was so excited to meet Aru and the child. I cannot wait to embrace him again. I cannot wait to confess to her. I am soooooo much excited!!!!

Just then a cabin staff stood infront of my seat. I passed her a smile.

"Good afternoon sir, wanna take something from the trolly?" Am hungry .

"Uh! Yes. I am indeed hungry." She chuckled.

"I would take a sandwich and a juice. That's it. Thank you." I took my things and kept it on the tray.

As I bit the sandwich, my mind went back to the time when she had made a cheese burst sandwich. It was yummmm! Instead of a lawyer, she could have been a chef! I love her handmade dishes.

Soon I finished and kept the packets in my bag as I thought of throwing them at the airport cafè.

I took out my phone and switched it on. I swiped up to see the lock screen wallpaper. It was a cute picture of mine and her's with the baby. It was cute. Really very cute.

I kept back my phone inside and started at the empty sky. Soon I fell asleep.


I was released by midday. I still could not digest the fact that my baby was no more alive. I was devasted. We were right now heading towards my home. I was shivering and tear streaks were clearly visible on my cheeks.

Shivi dropped me home and left with Rohan. I entered the main gate only to find a crowd of people standing infront of my home.

"Aradhana? What happened?"

"Why were u at the hospital?"

"Is everything fine?!"

"Miss! Are you fine?!"

"Holy Sh*t! Look at her forehead dude!"

This was enough for me. It was getting out of hands now! Why can't they mind their own business?!

"SHUT UPPPPP!!!! SHUT YOUR MOUTHSSS! " I screamed and everything fell quite. Pin. Drop. Silence.

"Why cannot u oil ur own wheel?! Why are you guys disturbing me when you know I am not in a good state?" I said and made my way towards the door. I went inside and banged the door shut!

Oh shit! I have to give him mi-- HELL!

He is no more with me. I broke down completely this time. Suddenly someone knocked on the door. I feared that it was Adi? But when I opened the door I saw Shivi standing there. I wiped my tears and let her inside.

"What happened?!" I asked her.

"Nothing. He is in his flight to Canada. Will be reaching by 8. " She said and I literally started shivering.

She understood my state and embraced me. Rohan was standing outside for her to come. He came inside and the two helped me clean up the messed house.

"See. Tell him the truth. Don't hide anything from him. " Rohan said and I nodded.

Soon both of them left and I went to my bedroom and slept.



I have finally landed! Yayyy! I am coming little ones. I came out and went to a nearby cafè cuz I was rely hungry by now.

I took a burger, a coke and a smoothie. I started eating while looking around. It was a windy night.

I soon finished eating and headed towards the home. I booked a cab when I noticed Sahana and Lewis at a small hawkers buying something!

Uhh! I don't want to ruin this special moment. I sat in the cab and headed back. Soon I reached.

I looked at the house in front of me and a smile crept up on my lips. I opened the gate and knocked on the door.


Hey there. Another one.

What will happen next?

How will he react?

Tell me in the comments.


-- Author ✨✨

𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now