The end?

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The next few days passed in a blink of an eye. One fine day~ 

Aradhana was in the kitchen. The baby was in the room sleeping. She had made some soup for herself as she wasn't all well. She had been suffering a headache from the past few days. She sat on the sofa with the bowl. Just then Chicko barked from inside the locked bedroom. She thought that she was hungry so she barked. 

She filled her plate with dog food and moved upstairs . She unlokced the door and kept her food in her bed. She then went down to have her soup. She was about to eat she when. Chicko barked again. 


Why is she barking? I am having a headache but cannot help. She cannot understand like a human. I should have my food now. 

I put one spoon inside my lips and gulped down the warm liquid. Just then I heard her barks again. 

I don't think anything is right. Otherwise dogs don't bark so often. I should check. I kept the bowl and hopped down. My head is spinning so bad right now! I help the walls for support. 

I went inside the room and saw that Chicko was standing on her hind legs beside the bed looking at the bed. Or most probably the baby! Is he alright?! I should check on him. 

I placed my palm on his chest and checked that he was breathing. He woke at an instant. His eyes were blood red. I sat beside him worried. As I touched his forehead I immediately took it back. He is burning in fever. Oh god! I switched on the AC and the fan both. Soon after he fell asleep holding my finger. I sat there for a while. 

As I was about to get up to grab the medicines. I felt a pull on my finger. I tried freeing my finger. But I couldn't. I got tensed. He is soo little and most importantly he is Adi's son. I have promised to take care of him. I held his finger and felt that it was too cold. I looked at him and he seemed too deep in sleep. But I guess not. 

I picked him up and placed my head near his chest. His heart beat rate was very slow. Too slow for an infant. My pressure started rising. I was sweating. I again placed my ears near his chest but this time it slowed down even more. I tried freeing my finger and finally it came off. I quickly grabbed the paracetamol and searched for a spoon. It was in the kitchen. 

I rushed down the stairs but then heard Chicko barked again . I literally jumped three four stairs at once and hopped inside the room. I picked him up and rushed down with Chicko following me. 

I slipped into my sandals and ran yo the nearest doctor. 

"Please take an appointment for him. Aaradhana Singh. " The receptionist noted down

 Soon I was allowed to go to the doctor. 

"Yes Miss Singh. What happened?" I explained him and by the time I finished my tears had already spilled out. 

"Wait let me check. " He said and took him inside. 

Five mins later.

"He is poisoned!" He said. 

"You mean food poisoning?" 

"No. There was some sort of Poison mixed in his milk! " 

Poison! Poison! Poison! How could it be?! Who could have done it?! Is it her? Is it Sahana? She tried killing her own child?! 

"Is there any cure for it? Please check he is very previous to me" I already broke down. 

"Hmm sorry! His organs have already damaged. Well if it was poison he would have died the next second . But I guess this was not poison. It was a organ damaging tranquilizer which kills the victims in a short period of time. " 

What will happen now?! How will I save him? What will I answer Adi if he came to know about this? 

"We have to do a transplant of his system. Otherwise he would leave this world at this age only." 

"I will arrange every amount of money you need. Please just save my child!" I joined my palms in front of him. 

He nodded. 


A short update for all of you.

Sorry for this guys. But this is the storyline.  😢

Hope u all like it. 


Good night. 


𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now