Where are you?

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The next morning when I woke up I found her sleeping with her head on my chest while her arms were wrapped around my torso. She had her brown eyes closed. She looked a kid who had been trying to find peace around. She looked soooo cute. 

"Kiddo wake up. " I nudged her but she groaned and pressed more into me. She held me tighter as if she was telling me not to leave. But I have to.  Sorry! I placed a kiss on her forehead and she fluttered her eyes to the sunlight. She finally opened her eyes and looked at me sleepily. That moment felt to last longer. Her eyes seemed to hold the whole world in front of me. She buried her face in the crook of my neck closing her eyes while she put her left leg over mine locking me completely. 

"Hey wake up! You are too heavy for me. " I joked. 

"What?" She sat up on an instant and turned to the other side pouting angrily. Haha. 

"Arey my angry bird! Sorrrrrryyyyyy! " 

"Hmph! I am angry" She said still back facing me. 

"Okay okay sorry! " I said as I went and sat in front of her holding my ears trying to look cute. Yeah! Trying.  


He came and sat in front of me holding his ears. Eeeeeeeeee! Why is he soo cute???! Please stop him anyone. Or I will die out of his cuteness today. 

"Peleaassssseeeee?! 🥺🥺🥺" Too much now. 

I finally gave up as I couldn't handle this much cuteness. 

"Adii. " 

"What? "

"Maggi khana hai!" I said clinging onto his back after we freshed up.  

"But! Maggi to khatam hai shayad." WHAAATTTT? WHO THE HELL DARED TO FINISH MY LOVE? I WILL KILL THAT PERSON. But then I realised that it was me only who ate up the last in our house. Idiot me. 

"Jaake leke aao na!" I pleaded. 

"Wait going." Bari jaldi maan gaya ye to. chalo aacha hi hai. 😏 

He went out while I went to run the washing machine. I put all the dump clothes in the washer and switched it on. I went and cut some veggies for today's salad. A sudden shriek upstairs reminded me that baby was till asleep with Chicko. I went up and saw him yawning stretching his legs and arms. Aww. Another cutiepie. Bilkul baap pe gaya hai!

I placed him in my arms and came down with Chicko. I placed him in his little chair and gave served Chicko her food. Then I made some tea for me as he was not back yet. I sat on the beanbag with the little one in my arms. I was carresing his cheeks when I felt a pull on my Tee. I found him gazing at me affectionately pulling the neck of my shirt down. He had been holding it tight so it was hard to free it from his little grip. By the time the washing machine stopped its work. I shifted all the clothes to the dryer and sat on the swing on my balcony. I noticed Sahana and Lewis doing their stupidity (their houses were in front of each other. In case u forgot. Sach sach batao kisne kisne yaad rakha?) Suddenly she looked at me and smirked at me and I returned that smirk back. She looked like a bimbo. Absolutely stupid. Then I checked the time. It's has been almost an hour and he hasn't returned back yet. Where is he? What if something happend to him? No no no. I should check. I quickly checked my outfit and rushed out of the house locking Chicko and baby inside. I had already every opening in the house closed so nothing to worry. I rushed out of the main gate and went to the shop where he went. I asked the shopkeeper about him and recieved a negative answer. I went to the neighbouring shops asking about him but everyone said that he didn't went to their shops.

I got tensed as I searched for him desparately. I went to the nearest park to check if he was their or not. But he was also not their. I could feel tears brimming in my eyes as my eyes looked for his face but couldn't find him anywhere.


What do you think where is he or what happend to him?

Next chapter will be published a little later.


--Author ✨✨

𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now