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Suddenly his phone rang. A huge grin got plastered on his lips. He quickly swiped up the blue button to approve the video call. As soon as he recieved the screen , his wife was displayed on the screen. She had been holding the baby in her arms.

"Adi, I need a help." She inquired

"Tell!" He sighed to which she frowned. He himself did not know why he sighed.

"I have been called for an urgent matter. Can u please take care of him? " She asked.

Suddenly the baby started crying.

"Adi. Aru. Need to decline. "

After she declined Aradhana got off the bed and went towards the almirah.

"Oi! Kahan? Ghar pe raho. Aap kahin nhi jaa rahi ho! " He said while she stood there with her hands on her waist with an eyebrow raised.

"For your kind information, I was taking out my laptop for my work.

"Oh! Hehe." He said sheepishly.

After that she placed a table on the bed and kept the laptop on it... Her hair were tickling her back when she sat on the resting on the backrest. She shifted her long silky smooth hair to the left side to which the right side of her neck was exposed. Suddenly Adi noticed that he was staring at her for long. A silent chuckle escaped his lips. Aradhana looked at him in confusion.


As she shifted her hair my eyes got fixed on her neck. I was reminded of the moment we had in the airport. I had kissed her neck o--. Oh goddd! Why am I thinking about that? Whatever. Let me go and come back with my champ.


He changed into his casuals and went outside while Aradhana started working on her laptop.
Suddenly she gets a call. She recieves it.

"Hi baby!" He shout from the other side.

"Hi stupid" she replied in a low tone.

It was clearly visible that he was wearing a white shirt with a white coat and a pair of black pants. ( The white shirt and black pants is a code dress for the boys who get married in Canada)

" Hey, why are wearing formals? " She asked noticing his getup.

He smirked. She got confused.

"I am getting married babes." The disclosure shocked her till no limits.

"You. You are joking right? " She asked as her eyes teared up.

"No! I am not joking" He cleared her doubt.

Crystal clear tears dropped from her eyes and her heart started thudding.

" Le. Lewis? You did this to me? You. You said you loved me ! "

" So what? This is U. S. A Miss. Not your fu***ng country." He said.

She shouted while he laughed evilly.

" I. HATE. YOU LEWIS." Saying so she declined the call.. She shut the laptop and kept her hand on her forehead and started crying.

"Why? Why does this happen to me only?"

She heard the door unlocking. She kept sitting on the bed without going to check on the door.

" See. This little champ. This the house of my friend.. See how big it is.!" She hears him speak. She wipes her tears and starts her works once again on her laptop. Aditya comes in and sees her working. He smiled and we t towards her . Just then he noticed the tear stains on her cheeks.

" Aru? Were you crying? Is there any problem you are suffering from? " He asked worried.

" ........"

He got more worried as tears started falling from her eyes again . Keeping the baby on her lap he embraced her and rubbed her back while she broke out.

" He. He betrayed me.... " She sobbed.

" Who?"


He pulled back and held her shoulders.

" Who Lewis? "

" My.. Boyfr--. No. My Ex-boyfriend.. " She replied with her head hung down. He lifted her chin up with his fingers and made look into his eyes.

" Dekho, jo ho gaya so ho gaya. Don't get emotional or elso the munchkin in your lap will start crying."

That's when she noticed him. Her eyes immediately smiled at the little thing and he reciprocated back.

" Hello sweetheart! How are you? "

The baby stared at her blankly trying to understand what she said.

" Aaannhhh! " This was the only word that came out of his mouth.

She picked him up and stared at his eyes..

" Adi! He has inherited Hazel eyes from you." She exclaimed forgetting all her sorrows.

He smiled at her and kissed her cheeks while she started at his son. Feeling his touch she looked at him wide eyed then smiled a blushy smile.



Okayyyy so now we are getting married. Happiest moment of my life. I love you Sahana.


Hello. A bonus chapter for you all.

Do drop down you reviews.


-- Author ✨✨

𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now