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These days are becoming boring even more in his absence. Every day I would dial his number but he didn't pick up. Adiiii! Please pick up! 

I went to the kitchen to check if anything is there to eat or not. I found a pack of soup and decided to have some. I also added tomato to it resulting in a tomato soup. I waited for sometime for it to get cooked properly. Just then I heard his voice upstairs. I rushed there and found him crying. Why is he crying? 

I rubbed his chest and a minute later he stopped crying. He yawned cutely and I stared at him. I made him sit on the kitchen slab and played with him for a while. His little stomach growled telling that he was hungry. I grabbed the bottle. 

As I was opening it he again started crying. Arey wait yaar! I put the tip of the bottle in his mouth and he started sucking on it. He suddenly coughed. 

Suddenly the door bell rang. I opened the door to find Lewis and Sahana standing at the door. I opened the gate and went to the kitchen. Sahana came inside the kitchen. 

"Umm. if you don't mind can I help you?" She asked. 

"..... yeah! thanks." I said and went out of the kitchen and headed towards my bedroom. 

"Hey. Umm Aradhana? " He followed me

"What? " I fumed. 

"I wanted... Ummm see everything is fine now. So will you please forgive me?" 

"No." I stated and was about to go inside when suddenly he grabbed my arm, pulling me inside and pushed me on the wall. He locked my hands above my head and whispered in my ear-

"If you will not then I will forcefully make you forgive." 

"Leave me." 

"Why should I" 

"I said leave me. " 

He didn't and came near me with a dirty smirk. He pulled of my shall and threw it on the floor. 

"Now whatever will happen, will be according to me." 

"NOOOO YOU CAN'T! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TOUCH ME!" I yelled at him but he didn't let me budge. He caught my waist with his dirty hands and I felt disgusting.

I felt like a deer in a pride of lions. I felt myself shattering. 

He tried coming closer to me but I kept him away with all my strength but soon felt loosing myself. His dirty mouth touched my jawline, I tried stopping him but in vain. I felt tears gushing out of my eyes but shut them tight no letting them out. 

Suddenly anger took place in my body and I kicked him there with all my force in the most sensitive area of his body. He left me clutching his genitals and fell on the floor wincing in pain while I stood there terrified. He looked at me with red eyes while I rushed out of the room suddenly remembering about the baby. 

I went down the stairs just to see that Sahana was on her phone while he was asleep. I sat on the couch fisting my own hair. She looked at me. 

"What happened?" She asked. 

"I am not being rude but please leave this place with your husband right now. I don't want to see any of you here at my house. " I replied. 

"Where is he by the way?" She asked and a few moments later he came out stumbling and I could feel his stare on me. 

"let's go honey!" She said and they left the house.

*At night. 

I had my dinner and the silence was not at all peaceful. I did the rest of the chores and after he had his milk I carried him to the bedroom. I was not having a good vibe, hence decided to make him sleep beside me. I climbed up on the bed and laid him beside me. he looked at me curiously and I felt all my stress washing away. I patted his chest for a few minutes and he fell asleep. 

I was awake till 3 am. But still sleep was nowhere in my eyes. 

Is he  fine? How is he staying? I want to be in his arms so bad right now. 


"Chote where are you?" I couldn't find him anywhere. 

I searched for him desperately, but still no marks. I suddenly noticed a blanket wrapped around something. I rushed towards it and was shocked to see---


Nooooo! This cannot be real! I looked beside me to find him sleeping peacefully beside me. Relax! It was just a bad dream. I was relieved . I settled back on the bed and engulfed him in my arms. 

Soon I was myself engulfed in sleep's arms. 



Hope you all like it



𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now