Hold on

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Trust is the foundation of a relationship~

Continuation in Aradhana's POV~

I left the room in tears and hoped down the stairs. How tf could he?! He knows the pain of being cheated but still he DID! I sat on the sofa as numerous sobs left my lips. I hugged my knees close to my chest and cried untill I fell asleep.


Next morning I woke up and heard the door open. The door parted and an 'angry' Aradhana. What made her so angry and spoiled the morning? I came out of my thoughts hearing a thud. I looked beside to see her put a glass of water on the table and stomped out of the room not after giving me an terrifying glare.

What did I do? Did I say anything abusive while being drunk?

I took the glass and drank it. EWWW! Lemonade? I quickly gulped the rest of it and hoped down the bed. I quickly freshened up and went down. I noticed her sitting on the couch with her face dug in between her legs, which were pulled up close to her chest. 

I tapped her shoulder, she didn't look up at me. I again did the same and this time she looked at me with bloodshot red eyes, tear streaks on her cheeks. She was crying? TF! Why? 

" Go away." She growled. 

Instead of backing away I sat beside her. I was about to wrap my arm around her but she slapped it away. What's wrong with her? 


"Don't spell my name!" She yelled and got off the couch and sat far from me. Tears again came out from her eyes as her eyebrows scrunched, sobbing. 

"Okayyy... Calm down calm down! Tell me wha--" 

"WHAT SHOULD I TELL YOU? HUH? YOU ARE CHEATING ON ME AND YOU ONLY ARE ASKING ME TO TELL YOU THAT WHY AM I MAD?" She shouted, I flinched tears brimming at the back of my eyes. 

"What are you--"


"Okay then, if you know everything then tell, tell me the name of my girlfriend. " I replied repeating her action.

She kept glaring at me with her teary eyes which pierced my heart. I cannot see tears in her eyes even if the reason is me, myself. It was getting hard to control the tears in MY eyes. But still I did not let them go.

"Tell me! You know everything about me right?" I said.

"You. Don't know. I might have been blabbering because I was drunk. And if you misunderstand me then I cannot do anything." I said.

"But remember one thing, my life contains only three girls, that's Mom, Ruchi and my girlfriend. " I added.

"And before our engagement, Aradhana Singh was, is and will be my only GIRLFRIEND. Just because we've got engaged doesn't mean that your value for me will change. You are my girlfriend, my fiancee my wife, the mother of my child...and...and the only one I have love--"

"I. Don't. Believe. You. " She cut me off pulling away the engagement ring from her finger and threw it on my feet.

Why me?

I watched her go up to her room as my knees gave up and I fell down, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Why does this always happen to me lord? Why can't I be trusted? Why everyone feel I am untrustworthy? Why?

I won't let her go away from me. I will regain her trust even if I did not do anything. She's mine and will stay mine.

I went to her room to find her working on her laptop. I acted as if I didn't care, but I care. I changed myself into some shirt jeans and left the house.

𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now