Where are you -2

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I jogged around the nearby places trying to find him but all my attempts were a fail. He was nowhere. I suddenly remembered that he frequently went to a park near the orphanage. I walked as fast as I could. Ultimately I ran to that place.

I found some kids standing out in the park. I noticed that they were standing around in a circle. I wished that he was there only. But I recieved grief.

"Kids did this guy come hear or anywhere nearby?" I asked showing them his picture.

One of the kids looked at the picture keenly and turned her head towards the chair. An old lady was sitting there. I asked her about his whereabouts. She looked at the picture and closed her eyes and suddenly opened.

"We found him lying here near the bench. Our maids took him to the room. He had fainted. " She completed and I was restless to meet him.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"Kids, lead her to the room." She instructed and the youngest girl held my finger and pulled me with her. She led me into a room where he was lying on the bed.

" What happened to him?" I asked one of the elderly ladies who was putting a wet cloth on his forehead.

"Looks like he didn't eat anything. He comes here every Friday to meet the children. But today as we opened the orphanage a little late, He might have been coming here and collapsed to the ground. I should say he is really a good person. " She said and I felt myself calm.

I sat beside him and held his hand. I gently caressed the back of his palm and he fluttered his eyes. He adjusted the amount of sunlight and finally opened his eyes fully. I hugged him without letting him speak as tear escaped from my eye.

"Do you want me to kill you Adi?" I asked separating from him.

"Erh.. uhmm! Ehhe Sorry!" He looked at me sheepishly while I glared at him.

"Thank you grandma. You did a lot of help to me. " I thanked her and we both left for home. In the way I bought a two packets of spaghetti and walked back home scolding him for his foolishness.

Grandma's pov. (😅)

Aditya told me yesterday that he loves that girl. That girl because he showed me her picture. He also told that he cannot confess because he heard that she loves someone else. But I guess she loves him only.

"Jesus! Please get them together." She prayed and smiled at their retreating figure.


Author's pov.

They both went home cooked the noodles they bought and spent their day talking laughing and secretly admiring each other.

At night*

Aditya's pov.

She was on the bed reading a novel I don't know. Most probably it was of Percy Jackson. I don't have that much craze for PJ as much as I have for HP. I shouldn't get ready now as she might get suspicious.

I climbed on the bed and sat beside her trying to find out the line she read. Just then her scent hit my nostrils. Pears. Aah! It's so intoxicating. Another reason added to my list of reasons of loving her.

Suddenly she slid inside the duvet and covered herself fully. She tugged my trousers telling me to lie down too. But I cannot!

Soon she fell asleep and I switched off the light and lied down beside her inserting my ear plugs so that I can hear the alarm set on 2:30 am. I have my flight at 5am. So I have only 4hours to sleep.

Sorry Aru. I am leaving. Not because of you but I have an urgent need at my company. Sorry. I love you.

I fell asleep with my head in the crook of her neck inhaling her scent which gave me peace.

*The rooster alarm buzzes right in his ear*

Aah! This stupid alarm. Broke my dream of our marriage. But that's never gonna come true.

I quickly got up shutting the alarm and got ready. I kept my dress out before going to bed because the wardrobe makes sound when opened.

I took all my backpacks down and went back up. I picked up my first love from the crib and kissed his forehead and hugged him lightly. A tear escaped my eyes as I felt that Aru's insecurity was valid. I hope that nothing will happen to any of them.

I placed him on Aradhana's fore arm and he tossed to the left side snuggling more into her chest. She wrapped her arms around him securingly feeling him near her. She will indeed take care of him. I placed a kiss on her forehead and on her neck for the second and the last time. I am going to miss you love ✨

I opened the door and went down taking a last look at them both and left the house locking it from outside. (Don't worry she has a separate pair of keys that locks from both outside and inside. )


Troubles start😬

*Please don't kill me for this😚😅*

What will happen next?

Sorry guys I made a mistake in Infinite. Me and you-2 is the let part of that ts.


--Author ✨✨

𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now