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Side Note- let's pretend they're not in anything (highschool, college, etc.) because idk how long ppl take in between graduation and the start of college, do they get a whole summer or something? Idk. But imma just give them this break rn and then hopefully go into college, but idrk how all that works, even tho I'm a freshman 🤡

ANYWAYSSS- continue on now!

Rhiya's POV
Once I woke up, I had a pounding feeling in my head. I looked next to me and saw Mattia sleeping still, facing away from me.

I took in the room and my appearance. I was wearing Mattia's clothes, and the LED lights in the room were set to red with the brightness all of the way down. My costume from last night was hanging on the edge of Mattia's hamper, along with his.

I carefully got out of the bed, then made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

My legs were hurting a little bit from walking around all night, and my coochie hurt, not a lot but a little- wait why did my...

Oh fuck me.

I finished brushing my teeth and grabbed a pillow off of the bed, I raised it over my head to hit Mattia with it, but I stopped myself.

He wouldn't sleep with me while I was drunk, I think. Would he? I sat on the ground against the bed and placed the pillow on my lap before leaning on it.

I feel like shit.

I skimmed the room and found my phone on his nightstand, charging thank goodness. I grabbed it off of the charger and checked the time.

9:27 am.

It's kinda early I guess?

I scrolled through my notifications, but there was one that caught my eye.

Tell him the truth.

I opened that one first.

Tell him the truth

Who's this?

You know who it is Rhi

Stop texting me
How did you even get my number?

Stole it
So when are we gonna tell him?

Never unless you want him to literally kill me
It should've never happened, we're not telling him

We have to eventually
If we don't it's just gonna be a burden to carry

For who? Not me
Why can't you just leave it?

Because you guys are together, it's wrong

Since when do you care about what's right?

I don't
Let's talk ab this in person, when u free?

And we're not together, it ended awhile ago

How long is awhile ago? Because I heard he still cuffed

From who?


Why would he say that?- You know what? Nevermind, I don't have time for this. I swiped out the "Messages" tab in my phone and pressed the power button.

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