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Song I was listening to when I finished the chapter 😌

Not proof read 🙄

New Jersey, Continuation From Last Chapter, An Hour and a Half Later
Rhiya's Room

Rhiya's POV
Von had already left for work, I'm not sure if he's working over time. My mom is lord knows where, I just hope she's ok.

Me on the other hand, I'm still dying. Shit, lemme ask Mattia for some painkillers. I picked up my phone to text him when there was a knock at the front door. I forced myself up and went over to unlock it and when I opened the door, there stood Mattia.

"I brought Tylenol and-" I gave him a huge hug just by him saying he brought medicine.

"Thank you so much Mattia! Thank you, thank you, thank-"

"What did I do? I thought you were mad at me."

"I am!!" I started crying again and threw myself onto the couch.

"Are you... broken?"

"Yes!!" He walked over and sat across from me.

"Guess what?" He smiled softly.

"What?!" He took out the Tylenol and a water then handed it to me.

"Anyways, back to what I was saying." I took the Tylenol and shut my eyes, but I was aware of what he was saying. "So I keep seeing things I wanna get you, so I ordered these shorts a few days ago. I forgot about them until I went home earlier and they were there."

"Why do I care again?"

"Cause you're gonna love them."

"Didn't I say I don't want you getting me stuff? Why are you even going out of your way to?"

"So these are the shorts." He began changing the subject. He pulled out a black pair of shorts from his bag.

"They look comfy." He turned them around and I seen the back.

Thicker Than a Snickers

"Really?" He laughed at my reaction and tossed them towards me. He then pulled out a yellow pair, on the back it said:

Caution: Slippery When Wet

Honestly those are my favorite so far.

"Then lastly, my personal favorite." He then pulled out a pink pair with small hearts on it.

Yes, Daddy?

"No." I say.

"Why not? Just put these on with a white sports bra and boom."

"No." I grabbed the yellow ones and put them next to me. He then went back into his bag and grabbed some dark chocolate.

"Here." He handed it to me and i frowned.

"Dark Chocolate is nasty, but thank you."

"Doesn't it help with cramps though?"

"Oh yeah it does... wait. How did you know that?"


"Hmph." I faced away from him and grabbed my stomach.

"What's wrong?"

"I told you what was wrong."

"No, why have you been ignoring me?"

Maybe because I don't know if you actually want anything serious with me.

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