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New Jersey, Continuation From Last Chapter, the timekxkdjdj
Uhh location

Omniscient/Third Person POV
"What did he say?" Braelyn asked about an hour after they left.

"What do you mean?"

"You've been quiet this whole time, quieter than usual. You're always yourself around me, what did he say?"

"Nothing. We're just gonna hang out tomorrow, just me and him." Braelyn was careful with what she was gonna say next. Of course she wanted to tell Rhiya the same thing she always had: break up with him.

Except this time it was different. This time he was off his meds, and this time he had a gun. Of course she would never wanna believe her brother could or would do anything like that, but he hasn't been off of his medication in awhile. She had no idea what he was capable of.

"Whisty? I gotta tell you something..."

"What is it?" She asked worriedly. Rhiya could see the nervous look painted across Braelyn's face.

"It's about Jayden. He-" Braelyn glanced over at Rhiya and just couldn't bare to tell her. She knew that Rhiya should know, but she just didn't know how to say it. "He really did miss you. Maybe you should just break up with him after we leave the state. Only because I know it will be hard to do in person, and he won't come back after he takes a whole flight there. Just tell him as soon as we leave." Rhiya was caught off-guard by her response, but she nodded and decided that Braelyn was right, and that was probably the best option.

"Ok, I just don't know how."

"I know, these things aren't easy. You just gotta go with the flow, that's all the advice I can give you." They pulled up the the park and got out of the car, racing to the swings like little kids. The two girls hopped onto the swings and laughed. "Let's just forget about Jay. Today is for us, and us only."

"Thank goodness." The two talked for awhile about nonsense, until they sat in a comfortable silence. Rhiya suddenly remembered what happened last time she was on the swings, and let out a laugh.


"Last time I was on the swings- nevermind, it's nothing." She laughed.

"Now I really wanna know. What happened?"

"Ok, ok. Last time I was on the swings, I was with my friend Kairi. He went live and-"

"He?! You never told me there was a guy! I thought tiktokroom was lying."

"No, that's something else. I'm talking about the other guy-"

"There's two?!"

"There's actually eight-"

"What?! Why didn't you tell me! 2 years and I didn't know?!"

"It's not important. Anyways, me and Kairi went live on the swings and people started shipping us together. Then we played log and his phone fell, then we fell, then everyone thought we were having sex and-"

"Wait, why would they think that?! Wait, I'm confused. Did you guys have sex before-"

"No! I mean, I thought about it but he doesn't know that! And this was before Mat- the other guy."

"Oh! So this is where Mattia comes in? When do I get to meet him?!"

"You don't-"

"Wait!! Didn't TTR say you two also had sex on live?!"

"We didn't! It was a misunderstanding-"

"How do you get into these situations?! Why do you get into these situations?!"

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