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New Jersey, Continuation From Last Chapter, 2 hours later
Mattia's Room

Rhiya's POV
I cuddled into Mattia as I was engulfed in his huge hoodie. I had woken up from our nap we took after the shower, but he was still asleep. I admired everything about him.

His peaceful state and plump, pink lips. The way his fluffy hair leaned over his face. The way that the slight light shining from the window glistened on his gold chain. The way he held me, with his hands in the perfect spot on my waist. The way he way he lightly ran his fingers along my back to help me go to sleep.

Everything about him is just perfect to me.

I didn't realize how much I missed him until he was gone, and I never wanna have that feeling again. I wanna know that we can always talk to each other, see each other, touch each other. I wanna be able to be there for him, good and bad.

He's made me realize so much, especially recently, and I'm so grateful. Of course he can be annoying at times, but I really do like him. I always have. I just don't know how he feels at this point. I don't know if we have another chance, it's just been so long. What if history repeats itself?

He's probably gonna go off to college and meet someone better. Someone that can make him feel better than I can. Someone that can be there for him more than me. I can't give him everything, so what if he finds someone who can?

Maybe I'm just attached cause we had sex. After the whole Jayden incident I realized Mattia is the only other person I've been with. Things have clearly been going well with us, but that's how it was with Jayden. I just don't know if I'm ready to go back down that path again.

I frowned as I moved some of his hair to the side, revealing his perfectly shaped brows. My hand slowly slid up and down his arm. I felt his hand slowly rub from my thigh to my knee on the leg that rested on his waist.

"Sorry." I whisper.

"For what?" His husky voice sounds through my ears.

"Waking you." I answer.

"It's ok, you didn't." He assured. We sat in a comfortable silence as I leaned my head on his chest, shutting my eyes. "You ok?"

"Yeah, why?" He lightly shrugged and moved his hands so they could rub my back.

"Earlier, I went a little... over the top?"

"It's ok Tia." I lightly laugh. "My legs still hurt a little, but I think I can manage."

"Damn, they still hurt? I did good." He chuckled.

"Don't flatter yourself." I reached behind myself and onto the nightstand to grab my phone, then faced Mattia again. I checked the time, 1:57 pm. It's only 2? I didn't have any messages to check, there was just the groupchat, overall my phone was pretty dry.

"What time is it?" He asked as he moved some hair out of my face.

"It's 2." I answer looking up at him. He set his pointer finger under my chin and tilted my head upwards, then lowered his lips down to mine, into a soft, slow kiss.

"That means round 3 is an option?" He smiled.

"No." I laugh. He slid his hands under the hoodie and onto my waist. The only thing I had on with this hoodie was underwear. He laid me on my back and hovered over me, then slid the hoodie up right under my chest. He furrowed his brows and looked down at my stomach. "What?" I looked down and seen all the bruises from his grip earlier.

"Damn, that's how you know it was good."

"Oh shit!"


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