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This song got nothing to do w the chapter... but it may relate to a future chapter in this book 👀

Anyway this song is stuck in my head so enjoy!

New Jersey, Continuation From Last Chapter, 11:41
Rhiya's House

Omniscient/Third Person POV
"Hello?" She asks answering the phone after making her way to her room.

"Whisty. I missed you, what happened?"

"What do you mean? I told you I got a new number. My dad got me a new phone, so I'm on his plan now." She explained.

"Hmm. Well imma come see you later. Where you at right now?"

"Oh, um, I'm at home... You're really in Jersey? Right now?"

"Yeah! I said I would be." He laughed. "Where's your house?"

"What? I can't hear you." She lied. "You're breaking up, say it again?"

"Where's your house?!" She turned on airplane mode.

"Jay, are you there-" The call then ended. "Thank fucking goodness." She sighed. Rhiya overheard talking in the living room, so she quietly listened in.

"Aren't you the guy that kidnapped my daughter and tried to get her pregnant?"

"What? No, why would I?- no that's not me. Is she here?"

"No Rhiya isn't here Maria-"

"It's Mattia."

"Good for you Maria, adios! Hasta la never." Before Von shut the door in his face, Rhiya ran over and grabbed the door knob.

"Von, it's fine." She went outside with Mattia and shut the door behind her. "Why are you here?"

"I wanna give you something." He put his hands on her hips and she pushed him away.

"Are you high or something-"

"No! I'm deadass. When is he leaving?"

"You wanna know when he's leaving? I mean, he lives there so I don't know-"

"He can't go grocery shopping or something?!"

"I'm not sucking your dick, jerking you off, letting you jerk off, or letting you inside me. So just leave right now."

"I don't wanna have sex with you dumbass, I just wanna talk... in private." He glanced over at Von watching them through the window. Rhiya looked back at him and Ja'Von quickly shut the blinds and ran away from the window.

"Stay here." Rhiya went into the house and Von was sitting in the love seat with his legs crossed.

"Yes, daughter?" He asked innocently.

"Um, I'm gonna go with... Maria."

"Where? What are you guys gonna do?"

"He has a girlfriend... and uh, I have a boyfriend. He's coming over later."

"And when were you gonna say something?!"

"Uh... now! Ok gotta go!" She ran to her room and grabbed her phone, then made her way outside to Mattia. "Where are we going? And make it quick." Mattia smiled and grabbed her hand, leading her to their destination.

Eventually, they made it to an alley next to a corner store, which wasn't far from her house. "Is this the part where you kill me?" She joked. He shook his head and pulled her into a kiss, catching her off guard of course. She pulled away and gave him a confused look. "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like? I'm kissing you." He leaned in again and she moved away.

"Why? Don't you have a girlfriend?!" He shrugged and leaned against the wall, then pulled her close to him. He ran his fingers through her hair and tilted her head up, so they were looking at each other.

"Why do you always wanna do the right thing?"

"Cause I'm a good person." She replied as she rested her hands behind his neck. "I don't go around kissing other people that's not my boyfriend."

"That's a lie, and you know it... but how about this: Just be bad for a day, or an hour at least." She bit her lip, contemplating on if she should. Before she could decide, Mattia leaned his lips onto hers.

This time she didn't pull away, which gave him her answer.

The only reason Mattia wanted to kiss her right now, is so that he can get payback for what she did. She's the reason his relationship is over, and now he has no one to occupy him.

He unzipped her jacket, revealing her tank top underneath. Mattia wasn't planning on going as far as he would like, because they were in public, but he made his way down to her collar bone, giving her a dark hickey. He then put another one on the opposite side, right above her breast.

"Mattia, we should stop. I'm sorry-"

"For what? You were right. You have a boyfriend, that's why I left him a surprise."

"What?" He let go of her and laughed. "Nothing's funny Mattia!" She pulled out her phone and opened the camera. Looking at what he had done. "We can't keep doing this-"

"Yeah no shit! You're the fucking reason I don't have a girlfriend anymore! So that hickey is the reason you're not gonna have a boyfriend-"

"Shut up! You don't understand! I shouldn't have let it go this far."

"Yeah, you shouldn't have."

"I'm not the only one responsible. It takes to people to cheat you know! Fuck he's gonna kill me."

"That's the point."

"I can't believe you. You're such a dick!" She zipped her jacket as far as it could go.

"Sucks- you know? Kinda like Ora did-" Rhiya instantly cut him off, so for the second time today, he was slapped across the face. This time harder, and on the opposite cheek.

"Oh shit! I've been wanting to do that for so long-"

"What the fuck was that for?!"

"All the shit you put me through! For all the times you've said some fucked up shit or been a straight up asshole to me!"

"I don't appreciate that I got slapped two times today-"

"You fucking deserve it-"

"Oh, but if I hit you I'm in the wrong? Right?" He yelled.

"Fuck you Mattia. Don't fucking talk to me ever again, and I mean it this time."

"Wow! You're so fucking scary! Casper could never-"

"Fuck you!"

"You already did." She flipped him off and made her way back home.

Mattia definitely wasn't thinking straight. Was he ever? Rhiya came back out of nowhere, she has a boyfriend, she's acting different, and his girlfriend broke up with him. He was making impulsive decisions and not thinking about the consequences.

He really should've thought about the consequences.

"Shit." He mumbled. "Rhiya!"

1,071 words

authors note~
Another cliffhanger cause u guys love those 😍

Not proof read again cause I don't feel like it

My head hurts again

I had the worst day today

And school sucks ass

But I have virtual for the rest of the week so that's good

N E Wayzzzz imma go finish my edit when my phone charges and for now write chapter 9 😝

Y'all seem to love the fights too so imma keep em coming!

Don't forget, woman can be abusers too 😡!! peachescoochie

adios bitches

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