Chapter One

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The Leap

Wake up

struggle to stay awake

after a sleepless night

beaten and consumed

just barely focused

as my name is called

lifting me forward

so may I sleep again.


Ryan enters Monica's apartment, dressed in his military uniform , armed with a bouquet of roses. Phoebe stands near the window, hiding beneath a scarf.

"You have to stay back," Phoebe says, "'cause I have the pox."

Ryan moves forward, dropping his duffel bag to the ground, inching towards Phoebe . "Chicken or small?"

"Chicken!" Phoebe says, waving her hands. "Which is so ironic, considering I'm a vegetarian."

I laugh, covering my mouth.

"Emma, please. Go out. Get some fresh air," my Mom says from behind me, sighing in exasperation.

She sweeps the floor in front of the television, kicking at my feet to move them out of her way. She's interrupting my usual day of Friends binge-watching. "The boys are outside playing ball, why don't you go join them?"

I sigh. "I don't want to play baseball, it's too hot out," I say. I try to see past Mom but she moves in front of the television, standing in front of me with her hands on her hips, blocking the screen completely. She stares at me until I look up at her with narrowed eyes.

"Well then go to the mall with Andrea. She has called twice this weekend. Have you even spoken to her at all this summer?"

I shrug and nod at the same time, but we both know the only time I spoke to my best friend was on the first day of summer and that was it.

I don't want to go to the mall, it seems like too much effort. Effort and energy I don't have at the moment.

"Look, Emma. You can't become a hermit. You need to get off your ass and do something. Anything," she snaps.

She grabs the remote from my hand and turns the television off. I glare up at her in shock at what she just said. Mom never swears, unless she's really frustrated. She seems to realize this too and her eyes soften.

"I'm sorry Em, your father and I just can't stand to see you like this. I don't want you to become-"

I hold up my hand, cutting her off and stand up.

"Alright, I'll go for a walk. Happy?" I mutter, walking into the mud room to find my running shoes. Mom follows me to the door, smiling triumphantly. I know she didn't mean to snap at me, and honestly, I had been waiting for it.

"I'll be back in a bit," I say. I open the back door and step outside.

"Be careful!" She calls as the door bangs shut.

The heat hits me instantly and I wish I had stayed inside with the air conditioner. As I round the corner to the front of the house, I see a whole bunch of people playing baseball, using rocks as bases. Most of them are my brothers and a few of their friends. My younger brother, Joey,  too young to play ball, sits in the sandbox talking to his imaginary friend as he plays with toy cars.

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