Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Why can't you see

my judgement is good,

I'm not stupid

I'm not a fool.

So if -when- I get hurt

its not your fault

its life's works-

my heart will be broke

but it'll mend

I have faith

so, why don't you?

The next few days are a blur of tension. My parents still don't know about Friday night at the dance, and my brothers haven't said anything either. That's one thing we won't do; rat each other out. Well unless it's something serious like drugs or gang related, or something along the lines like that.

On Sunday morning, they still haven't found out what had happened and I'm okay with that. I know I should come clean, but I just can't find the nerves to tell them. After I get up, I journey down stairs, once again, pain sprouting in my chest. By the time I reach the bottom step, its gone again. Only Jude, Logan, and Joey are down in the living room and kitchen. Mom is in the shower and Dad went to work with Owen.

The twins have out with friends, and I haven't see Quinn all weekend. Who knows what he's doing.

"Hey there scrapper," Logan says, smirking. He earns a glare from me and a high five from Jude. Joey only looks confused. I open the cupboard, taking out a granola bar from it's wrapper, ignoring my instigating brothers.

"So, did you tell Mom and Dad yet?" Logan asks.

I turn and face him, wanting to ask him if he told anyone about Cassie yet. But I don't  because that would only start an argument.

"No," I mumble, making Logan laugh. I want to slap him up side the head. Logan does't say anything more because my mom comes down the stairs, dressed in a blue blouse and black dress pants.

"Where are you going?" I wonder, not remembering if any of us had an appointment or special events.

"Well, I have a meeting this morning. Then The Price's are coming over for supper. Did you forget about that?" She asks, while gathering the keys and her purse of the table.

"Sorta," I say, sighing. I'm not really all that excited to have a member of Carla's posse in my house, especially after what happened at the dance. Who knows what her real motive are, other than coming over for supper with her family. She could be digging up dirt for Carla, hiding cameras to spy on my brothers.

"Mommy, who's taking me to Bella's?" Joey whines. "I am not not going to Bella's. Did you forget mother?" Joey says, as if he is ten years older. My mom looks at him, realization forming in her eyes. 

She forgot.

"I'll drive him Mom. Don't worry about it," I offer, knowing I'll get the chance to see Austin. My Mom smiles gratefully, but my brothers scoff, not agreeing with the idea.

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