Chapter Thirty-one

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Chapter Thirty-one

"Have fun girls," Tracey, Andrea's mother says, waving from the porch. Andrea and Cassie run to the car, shoving each other and laughing. I've always envied their connection, wishing I had a sister. Cassie and Andrea get into the back and Beatrice backs out of the driveway, heading to the mall.

"I'm so excited for this girls day," Cassie says from the back. "With term papers due, presentations, and not to forget finals, this is my first stress free day in months."

"No talk of school or university!" Andrea squeals, plugging her ears. "Its all you talk about."

Cassie huffs. "Fine," she says. "Beatrice, what are you getting Daniel for Christmas?" 

Beatrice laughs. "I have no clue. He's so hard to buy for, if unreal. Emma, any thoughts?"

Daniel is hard to buy for, mostly because he's old enough that if he wants anything, he buys it himself. 

The shopping center is crowded, probably because it's a Saturday and everyone is trying to finish their Holiday shopping. However, I'm having fun, and that's all that matters. Andrea wheels me down the mall behind Cassie and Beatrice, who are chatting away as if they hadn't met only hours ago.

By lunch, I have my parents and most of my brother's presents bought.

"Let's stop here! I hear it's good," Cassie says, pointing to a shop that says Kristy's Place: Clothing and Accessories. We walk in and instantly, I'm hit with a strong perfume that automatically gives me a headache.

The store is bright and colorful, racks of girls and women's clothes are out in the open, ready to be picked over. The cashier is to the right and a fitting station is at the very back, next to the exit sign.

"Do you think I would look good in this Emma?" I turn around and see Andrea holding red lingerie. She's posing, her hand on hips, and I burst into a fit of laughter.

"I'll take that as a no," Andrea says, laughing with me. She puts the lingerie back onto its hanger.

We giggle all the way to where Cassie and Beatrice are talking at the cashier. He looks the same age as Cassie with blond hair and round glasses that he keeps pushing his glasses up. They all give us weird looks, rolling their eyes.

On the way out of the store, the cashier winks at Cassie.

"Oh, someone has their eye on you," Andrea teases, poking her sister in the side.

Cassie grins."Too bad for him, because I'm already taken," she says, then stops.

The three of us turn to her with a raised eye brow, demanding further explanation.

"What!? By who?" Andrea demands, her loudness drawing attention from passer byers. Cassie's face says she's already said too much, and I can tell she's having an inner debate whether to spill the beans.

"Is it Logan?" I ask, taking a hit at the hunch Andrea and I have. By the way Cassie snaps her head over to stare at me and her cheeks flushing a light pink. I'm guessing we are right. 

Andrea and I high five.

"How did you know?" Cassie gasps. "We've tried to keep it a secret!"

"Well, we saw you kissing, holding hands, and kissing some more," I say, laughing. "But don't worry, I approve, Andrea and I-"

"We want to be sister-in-law's," Andrea finishes and we giggle again. "We've known since almost October. You guys are horrible at keeping secrets."

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