Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven


people you can always count on

to hold you up

when things get tough

and you have no hope

To keep you laughing

until your sides ache

Even if they drive you nuts

when you need them the most

and even if you think you don't

they'll come barging in

saying to stay strong

when things go wrong

and pull you up

to keep moving on.

"Emma, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in class?" My brother, Ben, asks. He stands behind me, arms full of books. He squints his eyes with suspicion. I point down at the table, where my English book is sitting.

"I'm studying for a quiz for English. What are you doing?" I ask and Ben shrugs, then a brown headed girl comes from around the book shelf, standing beside my brother. Ben smiles at her.

"Emma, this is Tammy. Tammy, meet my kid sister," Ben says, introducing us, and I smile politely at her. "Well, we should go study. Later, Em."

Ben and Tammy leave, going to another table. I wonder if Ben likes her, or if Tammy likes Ben? Ben is naive, and although he may be smart in school, but when it comes to girls, he's completely oblivious.

"Hey Emma."

I look up from my book and see Austin coming in my direction. He comes to a stop and eyed the chair across from me. "Mind if I sit down?" He sits down anyway, and he leans his elbows on table, placing his head in his hands.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, raising my eyebrow. We are just in Chemistry together, I didn't know that he had a free scheduled at the same time I do.

Austin grins.

"You didn't miss me?"

"We just saw each other. So not really." I smile smugly, and Austin gasps, his hand flying over his heart, pretending as if I've wounded it.

"That is very offensive. I cant believe you just said that." I roll my eyes, trying to focus on my English text, but Austin reaches over the table and flicks my hair. I narrow my eyes, and Austin smiles deviously.

"So, I hear you're going to the carnival tomorrow?"

"Yeah. We've gone every year since it came. Joey loves the clowns, I don't know why. He's fascinated by them." I shudder. "It creeps me out."

"Let's hope he doesn't grow up to be one then." I laugh out loud as I imagine Joey all grown up in a clown suit.

"Oh God. What if he does? You know he wants to be a clown for Halloween."

"As if all kids who were dressed for Halloween grew up into what they wore." Austin laughs, shaking his head.

"Wasn't you a nerd for Halloween when you were ten? And you didn't turn into one...oh sorry I guess you did." I stick my tongue out childishly. Austin narrows his eyes at me and leans across the table into my face.

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