Glimpse #3: Surprises Come In Twos

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"Push Emma," Austin says, placing his hand on mine.

I scowl, throwing him a look that could kill. "I am, but you just had to have this damn sofa," I say, rolling my eyes. "Couldn't you have decided on the smaller one?"

We're in Queens, at our apartment, trying like hell to push a too big sofa through a door too small. Austin stops pushing, placing a hand on his knee. "You said to pick whichever one I wanted, so I picked this one."

Although he's right, I did say that, he should have measured the door frame first.

"Let's just get it in already," I say, sighing with exhaustion.

Austin shakes his head. "No, you go lay down. You shouldn't be helping in the first place but you're too damn stubborn to listen. I'll just call Pete," he says, referring to out neighbour. I offer a smile and crawl over the sofa and into out two bedroom apartment. We don't have a roommate anymore, and now its just empty.

I hop on the kitchen counter, checking my phone. Three messages. One missed call.

Taking the peanut butter jar and spoon, I open it and scoop out a spoon full, closing my eyes at the glorious taste.

I dial Jude's number.

"Hello?" A little girl asks and I smile at the sound of my eight year old niece.

"Hello, Miss Lucy. Is Uncle Jude there?"

"Uncle Judy, its Aunty Emma!" She calls, her voice moving in and out of hearing as she runs around the house, trying to find Jude. She calls him Judy ever since she started saying his name. Its sticks, despite his displeasure. "Uncle Judy, Aunty Emma is on the phone."

There's a deep voice on the end as muffled sound as the phone is being passed over. Lucy screams and Jude promises to give her the phone back when he's done talking.

"Emma? What do you want?"

I scoff. "Wow, that's how you greet your one and only sister?"

Jude sighs. "Sorry, I'm just tired," he says and I can hear it in his voice.

"Why? Is everything okay?"

Jude chuckles. "Yeah, Quinn just left Lucy here while he went to run a few errands," he explains. Quinn, despite our parents caution, knocked up his senior year prom date. After the birth of Lucy, she disappeared and he's a single father of a five year old.

"Is everything alright there?"

I glance over at the suit cases, packed up and ready to go.

"Yeah," I say, smiling and look down at my stomach. "Everything is great. I'm really excited to come home for a while."

"Me too Em," Jude says. "You've worked really hard and I'm proud of you."

"Thanks Judy," I say, laughing at his nickname.

Austin and I haven't seen our families since last year. Since I graduated Queen's with my b.ED, we haven't seen our families at all because we've been working. Though its worth it.

I glance down at the shining diamond ring on my finger, the one that replaces the promise ring Austin gave me years ago.

Married seven years and still in love.

"So, I'll meet you guys at baggage claim, yeah?" Jude says and we discuss the flight before hanging up.

Austin and Pete walk into the kitchen, sweat dripping down their forehead.

"Thanks for helping man," Austin says, reaching into the fridge. "You want a beer?"

Pete shakes his head. "No thanks, I have to go pick up the kid from basketball practice. You two have a safe flight" He leaves and Austin walks over standing in front of me, smiling.

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