Chapter Twelve

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Holding hands with you

makes my feelings for you grow

just by your soft touch

"We are not dressing up as that. No. Absolutely not," Austin says and we sit down in the library, both on our free period. Andrea decided it would be 'cute' to coordinate our costumes. I'm not exactly liking the idea, but Austin seems to be open about it, saying it could be cool.

"Well do you have any ideas?" I sigh. "And no I am not dressing up as a hooker or in a slutty nurse outfit."

Austin pouts and I roll my eyes. "Well lets not dress up at all then," he mutters.

"Fine. You are so stubborn," I say, throwing my hands up in exasperation. Austin's about to argue when there's a loud laugh behind us. I turn to see my brother, Aidan there with his arms crossed and a mischievous grin plastered on his face.

"Lovers quarrel already?" he asks, sitting down in one of the chairs at the table.

"No, of course not. Andrea thought it would be cute if we dressed up," Austin says with a sigh.

Aidan throws his head back, laughing. "And you listened to her?"

My family knows Austin and I are going to the dance together. We aren't boy friend and girl friend, we decided to take things slow. And oddly enough, they are okay with everything.

Well, sort of.

"Are you sure about this?" I ask, eyeing Austin curiously. We stand on the porch steps, just outside the house. Austin wanted to ask me to the dance the 'traditional' way he said, by asking my Dad if he could take me to the dance. I think it's sweet.

First though, we have to get through my brothers, especially Aidan, who's Austin's best friend. He nods, taking a deep breath.

"I don't want to sneak around, that would just make them mad. And, I think neither of us want that," Austin points out.

"You can say that again," I say, agreeing. My brothers are protective, and they didn't like the idea of me dating. My parents know I can handle my self, but I'm their baby girl as they put it, and the only girl.

Austin and I walk into the house and my Mom is cooking supper, while Ben and Dad watch TV in the living room. Aidan is just coming down the stairs and smiles when he sees me with Austin.

"So, did you two make up?" he asks, and I look at him in confusion and Austin nods.

"Austin, its nice to see you, are you staying for supper?" my mom asks, coming around the island. my dad comes out of the living room to greet Austin as well but Ben stays entranced with the show he's watching.

"No. I have to get home actually. I just wanted to ask you guys if it was okay...if I took Emma to the...Halloween dance," Austin says, sighing in relief. My mom smiles, putting her hand to her mouth.

"Oh yes of course," my Dad says, and laughs with a wave of his hand.

Austin and I look at each other. Aidan bursts into laughter.

"As in my date to the Halloween dance," Austin clarifies, rubbing the back of his head.

Then I realize my Dad hasn't quite catch on to what Austin is actually saying. I smile, watching my Dads expression change as he realizes what Austin is actually asking me to the dance as his date.

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