Chapter Twenty-four

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Chapter Twenty-four

Pages and pages of confusing formulas and equations lay before me, and it takes all my strength not to rip them into shreds. 

Mrs. Kinney sent them home with my brothers, because apparently even though I have a three day suspension, and a leg that isn't capable of walking, I still have to keep up with my school work. Most would believe that with everything that happened, I would still not have a suspension, but the principal phoned my parents, advising it would be best if I did. 

At least I wouldn't have to formally apologize. 

That would have been horrid. 

I probably would have punched Carla again, seeing her smug face.

I sigh, leaning against the front of the sofa, pushing away my homework. The house is silent, my brothers at school, and my parents running errands. Jude and Daniel are around somewhere, stuck babysitting me. 

Like I need babysitting. 

Instead of doing homework, I pick up my phone and go on Facebook. Scrolling down, nothing of interest catching my attention until I see a news video. 

In bold letters, the bottom of the screen reads 'Man Goes Free While Local Teen In Hospital'. A woman reporter sits at a table, her hands folded in front of her. 

"Good afternoon, I'm Evelyn Meehan. Today, I'm here with James Taylor-" the camera pulls away from the reporter, and my dad comes into view. 

I pause the video at the sight of my dad. 

What the hell is he doing?

"Hey, little sister, what are you watching?" I turn around and see Jude walking up behind me. He comes around the sofa, sliding down onto the floor beside me. 

I shove my phone in his face. "Did you know about this?" 

He studies the screen, his eyes widening at the sight of dad. 

"No, I had no idea," he says, shaking his head. "Play the video."

I press play. 

"Mr. Taylor, tell me what happened to your daughter," the reporter says.

My dad grunts, his face hardening. "Emma had gone out that night after an argument with her younger brother, and on her way back, she had been hit by a truck, knocking her unconscious."

The reporter nods, looking at the camera. "Emma had been rushed to the hospital in critical condition, and at the hospital, had the doctors put her into a medical induced coma, is this correct?"

The camera shifts to my dad, who nods his head. "Yes, and also damage to her right leg."

The woman leans back, looking back at my dad. "The man who was driving the vehicle that night had been on his way from a bar, where he had been drinking and was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the incident. Although police arrested Mr. Vaughn, he did not have any charges against him, is this correct Mr. Taylor?"

My dad nods, his face twisting in anger. "Yes, the only punishment Mr. Vaughn received is a slap on the wrist; community service and judge ruled rehab."

"How has this affected your family?" 

"My wife and I lost a child less than six months ago. We almost lost another, and we want there to be consequences for Mr. Vaughn's actions. There is no reason Mr. Vaughn should have been released without fines or jail time."

The woman frowns. "Yes, I absolutely agree," she says. "What will your next step be?"

"I've contacted a lawyer, and I guess we'll see what happens from there," he says.

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