Chapter Twenty-seven

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Chapter Twenty-seven

Dr. Graham stands in front of me. "So, I have good news," he says, his face unreadable.

Mom sits beside me, her hand squeezing mine.

We've been sitting out in the waiting room for almost half an hour, called in unexpectedly after my physical therapy appointment this morning. I'm quite surprised and anxious.

"Is everything alright?" she asks, her voice rigid.

Dr. Graham nods. "Yes, however, I have been speaking to a specialist and he has offered a surgical procedure to Emma."

I wince at the idea of surgery. "But I thought you said nothing could be done," I say, confused. "You said my leg would be heal on its own."

"I don't understand," my mom sighs. "Surgery isn't an option, is it?"

Dr. Graham shifts his feet. "Dr. Shoffer is a very highly trained surgeon and has dealt with many cases like yours, Emma. The surgery may be able to save the nerves in your leg and you could be walking again in six weeks."

That lifts my hopes but frightens me also.

"What are the risks?" my mom asks, glancing at me.

Dr. Graham frowns. "That's the bad news," he says, looking from my mom to me. "There are risks to every surgical procedure; infection is the most common. With this surgery there is a risk that it might damage the nerves in your leg, permanently."

"What does that mean, for me?" I ask, hoping its not what answer I have in mind.

He sighs. "You'd be unable to walk properly for the rest of your life," he says, picking up my file. "However, keep in mind, you are already faced with that chance now."

My mom shrugs her shoulders. "I think we'd have to discuss this with James," she says, referring to my dad.

I agree with her, thanking Dr. Graham before we leave his office.

On the way out to the car, my mom looks down at me. "Don't worry about it right now, Okay? Just have a good time tonight at the basketball game, and we'll discuss it tomorrow with your dad."


"Emma! Are you ready?" Aidan calls up the stairs. I wheel Frank over to the mirror, undecided on what to do with my hair. Up or down? "We really can't be late!"

I decide to leave it down, grabbing my purse from the edge of the dresser.

Ben pops his head around the door. "Are you ready?"

I nod. "Yeah," I say and he enters, dressed in his basketball jersey and jeans. He lifts me from Frank, carrying me down the stairs. Quinn is behind us, lugging Frank behind him. Once we reach the bottom, Quinn unfolds Frank and Ben sets me in the seat.

He huffs. "We're going to have to start charging you for moving you everywhere," he says, laughing.

I scoff. "You're my brother, you should be honoured to carry me around the house like a queen," I say, smirking.

Quinn laughs. "Maybe Mom and Dad should buy a bigger house so there's room for your ego," he says, sarcasm flowing through his teeth. Ben fist bumps him, laughing with him.

I groan, crossing my arms. "Okay, fun's over," I say, pointing to the door. "Let's go!"

Ben pushes me out the door, Quinn trailing behind us. He's coming with us, apparently to see his friends.

Aidan is already in the old beater, warming it up. Ben helps me into the backseat then shoves Frank into the trunk of the car. Quinn sits in the back beside me, staring out the window. Once Ben gets in, Aidan backs out of the driveway, heading to the school.

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