Chapter Thirteen

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People who care

will always make it known

and will shout loud and clear

I'm here

I'll listen

whenever you need me

I'll be there

The waitress smiles and struts away with our order, leaving Austin and I alone. We sit at a local coffee shop called Henry's Cup. It's a small place, old, and has only a few seats in the store. The seats we are in faced the road, across from the highway to the city.

"Thanks for the coffee," I say, smiling at Austin when the waitress brings back our order, two coffee. To be honest, I hadn't expected that this is where we would end up.

"We all need coffee," Austin says, lifting up his cup.

"True that. Cheers," I say, and hold up my cup, bumping it against Austin's. 

The sweetness of the coffee is just right for me. I love it.

"Do you come here a lot?" I ask Austin, trying to discover the reason he brought me here. Austin shrugs, leaning back in the booth.

"My Grandfather owned it when I was little, and it helps me feel close to him. Its my thinking spot," Austin says, smiling. 

I can relate to that. The Cliff is my thinking spot, even though it's hard to be there, it helps me feel closer with my little brother, Tyler.

"So, after Grandfather died, my Mom sold it. But the owner now, Beverly, lets me hang out."

"Why didn't you just keep it in business?" I ask.

"My family couldn't afford it, we could barely afford a roof over our heads, but my Dad pulled out his life savings and bought the place."

Austin stops for a minute, as if considering whether he should go on. I'm about to change the subject but Austin interrupts my thoughts.

"A few short months later, he died of cancer, and my Mom sold it to cover bills," Austin says, his eyes sad. 

My heart sinks for him as I remember his Dad, Mark. He was good friend to my dad, and would come over all the time. But after he passed away, Austin's Mom started working two jobs and we rarely saw them.

Not knowing what to say, I blurt out the first thing.

"Do you miss him?" I ask.  Austin smiles sadly.

"Yeah, a lot. But being here makes it seem like he's right over there," he says, and nods over to the counter, and looks back at me, grinning. "And with you here, if makes it all the better."

I roll my eyes at his flirting. Austin catches my hand, and the rubs the back of it. His green eyes burn into mine, serious.

"I want you to know that if you ever want to talk, about anything, I'm here," Austin says, and my heart flutters.

"Anything?" I smile.


We sit in a peaceful moment of silence, before I chuckle.

"Did you know Joey and Bella are having a small disagreement with each other?"

Austin grins. "Tinkerbell or Peter Pan?"

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