Glimpse 1: Move In Day

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Today a new beginning

yesterday forgotten and locked away

but the memories never ignored

Always remembered in the leaves of autumn

Because it was your favourite season

And without an unknown reason

Taken away from loved ones

but your smile never gone

He helped me survive the unbearable pain

And today with me here,

Never swaying from my side,

so today I have a new beginning,

With my love.

I nudge open the door entitled 402 with my foot, limping into the room and drop the box onto the floor.

"Can you imagine if Katniss and Peeta were a couple in Hollywood? Their ship names would be Katpiss or Peniss." Quinn says, laughing as he brings the last box into my dorm room, followed by our Dad.

I laugh, and my parents roll their eyes.

"Where did you come up with that?" Mom asks, starting to unfold my cloths from my open suitcase and put them in the small dresser at the foot of the bed.

Quinn shrugs. "I saw a girl's shirt about Katniss and Peeta in the hall," he says, sitting down at the desk chair.

The dorms at Queens are small, but enough room to move around. There is one window over looking campus. The walls are painted a pale blue, and the floor is a gray tile. Right now, boxes and tots fill the room, making it almost impossible to move around.

I stand by the door, waving my hand in front of my face, trying to cool myself down from the heat. Ever since the incident a year ago, my leg has gotten significantly better, but there are still some days that it pains and aches. I'm also stuck with a permanent limp.

"So, you have everything?" Dad asks, looking at me. I sigh.

"It would be a little too late anyway wouldn't it?"

"Well if you need anything, just go to the campus store or something." Mom says, finishing putting away my cloths and jostling Dad off the bed to put sheets on it. Its not like I minded, at least I wouldn't have to do it myself.

"When do classes start?"

"After orientation day," I say, as arms encircle my waist. I twist around, seeing Austin Moore, my boyfriend. Mom turns at the sound of Austin and her face lights up. He lets go of me and hands me a iced water.

"Austin! I'm so glad you're here! Are you all settled in at Carlton?"

I feel his body shake, letting out a soft chuckle.

"I am, and I've met my roommate Nathan."

I forgot he has a roommate.

He moved in a few days ago and then made the hour trip to visit me.

"What's he like?" I ask, turning to face him. Austin crinkles his face.

"I don't think he likes me. When I walked in, he rolled his eyes and walked out."

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