Chapter Eleven

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Monday morning is absolute chaos.

Quinn is in a crankier mood than usual (seems impossible, but true), and Joey's being stubborn and won't get dressed for Mom.

So, of course that makes her cranky too.

Ben and Aidan have already had breakfast, and when I come down stairs, a bagel is made and buttered, sitting on the kitchen table in my normal spot. I smile at them and take a bite. Its cold.

"Well, thanks anyways," I say, sighing. I throw the whole bagel into the garbage, because it's too hard to eat. Ben and Aidan shrug and walk out, heading to their car.

"Quinn, are you coming or not?" I yell up the stairs, impatient.

Mom comes to the stairs, Joey in her arms.

"Quinn isn't feeling well, so he's staying home. Do you mind dropping Joey off at school? I need to be at work early and everyone else has already left." Joey comes sauntering down the steps, shrugging on his Batman backpack.

"Alright. See you tonight Mom," I say and turn to follow Joey. He walks out of the house, ignoring me and hopping into the back of Ben and Aidan's car. I get in beside him, explaining to my brothers that Mom had to be at work early, so we have to drop Joey off at school.

"Hey Joey, I didn't know you were old enough for high school," Aidan jokes, and Joey rolls his eyes. Sometimes for a five year old, he can act like such a teenager. Ben backs out of the driveway and drives towards to the St. Alberts Elementary school which is only ten minutes away from the high school.

"What classes do you have today Joey?" I ask, but Joey doesn't answer and he faces the window.

"Are you excited to tell your friends about the carnival?" Ben asks, and Joey ignores him too.

Joey doesn't speak for the entire ride, which isn't normal. When Ben pulls into the school and up to the main entrance where kids are being dropped off, Joey pushes me away when I help him unbuckle.

"I don't want to go! Please don't make me go!" Joey pleads, tearing falling from his eyes.

"Whats wrong? You can tell me," I say, patting his arm.

Joey is quiet for a moment, and I can tell that something is bothering him, and it's upsetting him. Aidan and Ben turn around in their seats, waiting patiently for Joey to explain, concern in their eyes.

"What is it little man? Why don't you want to go to school? Is someone bullying you?" Ben asks softly, and I really hope that isn't the case. Joey looks away and silently nods.

"Someone bullied you? What did they say?" I ask.

Joey sighs, wiping his face with his jacket sleeve. "I've been hanging around with Bella, and a boy older than me has been making fun of me." I close my eyes, trying to process this information that my little brother is being bullied. I mean, he's only five.

"Making fun of you how?" Aidan growls, grinding his teeth.

"He said I was weird, hanging out with girls and then...he pushed me onto the ground yesterday and scratched my arm," Joey says, a fresh set of tears rolling down his cheek. He lifts up his shirt over his arm to reveal a cut on his arm that's red and bruised.

"Let's go Joey, we are going to talk to the teachers and principal," Aidan says angrily and opens his door. Joey shakes his head frantically, pulling away out of reach.

"I don't want to tell you. I don't want to be a tattle-tale," he says and gets out of the car, the three of us surrounding him as we try and convince him to go to school.

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