Chapter Twenty-eight

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Chapter Twenty-eight

Andrea drops me off at my house, helping me inside. "You'll be alright," she says, rubbing my back. "If you need anything, just call."

"Thanks, you're the best," I say, flashing a small smile.

Andrea grins. "Don't I know it," she says, laughing. "I would stick around but Cassie just called pleading for me to help her. Who knows, maybe its Logan related."

"Let me know if it is," I say, waving to her as she leaves through the front door. I swivel around in the wheel chair, going into the kitchen and shrug off my jacket.

Its silent. On the counter, I see a handwritten note from my parents. Its written by my mom, saying she and my dad took Joey out to eat and would be back later this evening. I leave the note on the counter and wheel myself over to the living room.

Instead of turning the television on, I just sit and think.

Austin should have told me, a lot sooner than this. Carla is the last person I should have heard it from. My parents, or even one of my brothers could have said that Diane is the one who hit Tyler.

Behind me, I hear the door shut and the voices of Jude and Logan.

I ignore their presence, anger soaring in my veins.

"Emma, I thought you were at the school with Aidan and Ben?" Jude asks, coming to stand beside me. I ignore him, only glancing up to glare at him. Without answering my brother, I stare straight ahead.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" He laughs, sounding slightly amused that I'm ignoring him. When I still don't answer him, he comes to stand in front of me. I can feel his eyes scrutinizing access me, wondering if something is wrong. "Emma? Are you okay?"

I don't know. Am I?

"Do you know who ran over Tyler?" I ask, already knowing the answer. Jude's eyes widen, probably not expecting to be asked such a question. But I don't care, not when I feel like I've been lied to and left in the dark.

"You guys are ass holes, you know that right?" I hiss, shaking my head slowly with a disappointing smile.

"I could cut the tension with a knife," Logan says, obvious to the tension between us. He comes to stand next to Jude, who shoots him a look. "Are you guys about to dwindle into a World War 3? If so, at least let me get the camera first."

"Now's not the time," Jude says. "She knows."

She knows.

Logan sets his jaw. "What? How did you find out?"

Jude punches his arm and I blink.


Unable to be in the presence of my brothers, I back away from them, heading into the kitchen.

I would go to my bedroom and slam the door, but since I can't fucking walk, my options are limited.

"Emma, wait-"

"You must be so fucking relieved, you must have been counting on this moment," I hiss, wheeling around to face my brothers. Logan crosses his arms, analyzing the situation.

"Would you move, I am not in the mood to deal with any of you ass holes," I say, pushing past him.

"Woah, fighting words there. What did you do now?" Daniel laughs from the sofa, getting up and stretching before walking over to see what the commotion is about. No one answers, just dead silence and tension in the room. This is the problem with having so many brothers. They gang up on you.

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