Chapter Five

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Chapter Five



giving me glimpses

of memories so blissful


taunting me of my past

and the happiness that can never last

Impairing feelings, so thick

with sorrow and guilt

though I know I am not at fault

they still haunt me

as they display the scenes

of that frightening night

eventually shaking me awake.

"Tyler, where are you?" I call, walking down the trail to find my little brother who seemed to disappear. I half expect him to jump out of the trees, scaring me. The sun has fallen, giving no light except the moon and stars. It wouldn't be the first time he did it.

"This isn't funny!" I yell when I reach the bottom of the trail and still don't see him. My parents are going to kill me. Tyler is almost thirteen, I trust he can look after himself. I walk to the park gate, and peer out, wondering if he's waiting.

What I see tears me apart.

"Tyler? Ty!" I run to the body that is laying out side the park, on the middle of the street. I kneel down beside my little brother, crying out and cupping my hands around his face. His face is dripping with blood, the side of his face cut up.

"Tyler, open your eyes!" I beg, but they stay shut. "Tyler, wake up! Wake up, please. Wake up!" I scream, shaking his shoulders, tears running down my face. "Tyler!"

"Emma, hey. Look at me," a woman, who I can't remember her name, is beside me, checking Tyler's pulse. "I'm a nurse. I've already called 911 and your parents. OK, now put pressure on his chest, it'll slow down the bleeding."

Tears rush down my face but I do as she says, covering my bloody hands over my little brothers chest and pressing down. Tyler isn't waking up, no matter how much I plead. I hear sirens in the distance, and I can see an ambulance flying over the hill behind the woman, followed by a police car.

"Tyler? Tyler? Where is Emma? Emma!" Behind me, I hear my mom's frantic voice and I look behind me to see her and Dad running towards us, followed by Aidan and Quinn.

Aidan grabs me tightly around the arms as our parents rush to Tyler's side, but a paramedic holds them back, and Tyler is loaded into the back of the ambulance, currently unconscious.
My mom pushes past the paramedic, getting in the back of the ambulance. Police officers shut the doors and Tyler is driven away. My dad spins around and comes to Aidan, Quinn and I. He takes me in his arms.

"Let's go. They're taking him to St. Alberts," he says, panic in his voice.

Wordlessly, everyone got into the car and Dad speeds away, following the ambulance. I cry all the way there, scared, that my brother might not make it.

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