Chapter Ten

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I stare at the lucky charms floating around in the bowl, and push them with my spoon.

"Do you want me to beat him up?" Andrea whispers, clenching her fists. If she were talking about Quinn, I might have let her. But no, she's talking about Austin.

"Nah, he's not worth it," I say, sighing.

Andrea grins and pats my shoulder, still eyeing the television. Austin had gone home before Andrea and I got up, which was probably for the best because being in the same room together would just be awkward.

I told Andrea what had happened last night and she had congratulated me for telling him how I really felt. Today, this morning, I'm trying to forget everything I feel for him but it's easier said than done.

"That's good to hear," Andrea says, smiling. She finishes her cereal just as Jude and Owen come down the stairs, talking.

"Hey kids, what's up?" Owen asks, stopping in front of the island. He is dress in a black shirt and muddy jeans.

"Yeah, no," Andrea says, glaring at my brother. Owen rolls his eyes. "You act way younger than us."

"Sure. Whatever you say," Jude scoffs, coming to stand beside Owen, chewing on a breakfast bar. He burps loudly when he is finishes. We all look at him.

"Dude! Gross!" Owen says, twisting his face up in disgust and hits Jude's arm, sending the two into a wrestling match.

I face palm and Andrea gapes at them.

"And you just prove me right," Andrea says, laughing. She shakes her head. My brothers stop and look at Andrea, sticking out their tongues.

"Real mature," I say, laughing. Andrea and I high five. Owen gives Jude a shove, pushing him away.

"I have to go down to the shop, dad wants me to open it up," Owen informs, sighing. He leaves after saying goodbye.

"So what are you two up to today?"Jude asks, leaning against the counter. He looks at me. "Have you seen Quinn this morning, he has quite the shiner."

"He deserved it," I say, shrugging a shoulder. I turn to Andrea. "What do you want to do today?"

"Actually I have to get home, my mom wants to help with picking out carpet for the living room."

"Aw, your going to leave me?" I pout, and Andrea gives me an apologetic smile.

"Yeah, I'm not really excited about it but she threatened to pick line green carpet if I don't help."

"She probably would too...She can be a little crazy when she gets an idea in her head."

"Crazy? The apple doesn't fall from the tree," Jude says, grinning. I disolve into laughter because I know it is true.

Andrea hits my arm, pouting. "You're supposed to defend me."

"Sorry. I'm a horrible best friend," I say, feigning disappointment in myself. Andrea smiles and pulls me in for a bear hug.

"It's okay, I love you anyway," my best friends says.

Then she gets up and grabs her overnight bag waving as she walks out the door, but not before giving my brother Jude a cuff on the back of the head. I laugh as he gives her the finger as she leaves. After a few minutes, I finish my cereal and set my bowl in the sink. Jude is still in the kitchen, eyeing me suspiciously.

"What?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest.

"Somethings wrong...I can sense it," Jude says,shrugging. I roll my eyes. "It's the O. B. R. Every brother has it. You didn't know?"

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