Chapter Twenty (Austin's POV)

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Chapter Twenty

Austin's POV

The excessive ringing doesn't stop and I reach over to the dash board of my truck, answering the call on speaker. 


"Austin," Aiden's voice says. "Emma is in the hospital."

My heart drops. 

"What? You're joking," I say, refusing to believe what he's saying. But I know he's not. He wouldn't joke about something like that. Not after Tyler. 

"We're at St. Alberts Hospital, fifth floor in the ICU," he says. "It doesn't look good."

I hit the breaks, the truck lurching to a stop. 

"I'm on my way," I say, doing a U-turn in the middle of the street. "I'm be there as quick as possible."

"Okay," he says, his voice distant. "See you soon."

He hangs up and I push down harder on the gas peddle, speeding through a red light. 

When I get to the hospital, I pull into the nearest available space, jumping out and running into the hospital. The elevator door opens and Emma's parents and brothers fill the waiting room.

"Austin," Kathleen says, her voice low and sad. She walks towards me and I notice her red, puffy eyes. "I'm so glad you came."

"What happened?" I ask, hugging her tight. I lean back. "Where's Emma?"

Her eyes soften. "Austin, Emma has severe brain trauma and her legs were hit," she pauses, taking a breath. "She's in surgery right now. The doctors won't tell us anything."

James comes over and comforts Kathleen, rubbing her back. 

Aiden walks up to me.

"Hey, what happened?" I ask, my hands tingling. "Who hit her?"

"Its a drunk driver, on his way home from the bar," he says, anger flashing in his eyes. 

I clinch my fists. 

"The bastard better hopes she wakes up," Jude says, walking up beside Aiden. "Or else he's a dead man."


The next few hours are dreadful. 

My mind is plagued with harrowing thoughts but I fight through them, trying to be hopeful. I remind myself Emma is strong willed, stubborn, and determined, even when the odds are against her.

As I wait in the waiting area for what seems like days with Aidan and the rest of her family, thinking about Emma makes me more anxious than I already am. Aidan is sitting beside me, wringing his hands, and sighing. Andrea sits on the other side of me. She got here only a few minutes after I did, demanding to know what happened.

"Fuck, I can't take this place," Aiden bursts, throwing his hands up. 

I put my hand on his shoulder to comfort him before Andrea stands up suddenly.

"Come on, let's go down to the cafeteria," Andrea says, and hauls Aidan and I up by the arms, forcing us to move. 

I glance at Aidan and he shrugs.

"I need food," he says, following Andrea.  We begin to walk down the hall towards the elevator with promises to be back soon as possible. Andrea asks if Mrs. Taylor wants anything but she declines the offer.

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