Chapter Twenty-six

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Chapter Twenty-six

Under the snow

                                                                           I see you so beautifully

your green eyes glow

hold me close

don't let go

say you love me

kiss me slow

be mine

and I'll be yours

forever and more.

The next few minutes are terribly awkward. 

Especially when Austin gets tangled up in my blankets and my dad and brothers come running from all directions to see what the problem is. Joey stands guard at my bedroom, giving Austin the evil eye.

The first person at my door is my dad, along with Jude and Aidan, and my mom is one of the entourage. Jude and Aidan look as if they can't decide if they want to kill Austin, or just beat him up. My mom grins, but literally wipes it off after the look my dad gives her.

"Why don't the two of you go downstairs," she suggests. Austin and I look at each other with uncertainly. Austin has a small, goofy grin he can't lose. He knows he's caught, and my brothers probably won't let the situation go.

Joey stands outside, looking very pleased with himself. I stare at him, evilly, and he shrinks back before he takes off down the stairs.

He knows I will be getting revenge.

Austin crawls over me, and then helps to a sitting position. My mom shoos my brothers to their rooms, or somewhere they won't hear us talking. My dad tells us to come back downstairs in a stern voice. Austin lifts me into his arms, carrying me back down the stairs, followed by my parents.

"Are they going to murder me?" Austin whispers and I shrug a shoulder. I don't know what they are going to do. We reach the kitchen and Dad gestures for us to sit down, Austin placing me in Frank. 

I give an anxious look at my Mom.

Are they angry?

"Look, it wasn't what it looked like. We were just watching a movie, we didn't do anything..." I trail off, making my dad go a deep red in the cheeks. He clears his throat, glancing at Austin to me again.

"Oh, I know there wasn't anything going on. And if there was," he looks back at Austin again, narrowing his eyes. "son, you wouldn't ever look at my daughter again," he says, narrowing his eyes.

I hear Austin swallow beside me and I sneak a peek at him.

He looks scared. Like shit his pants scared.

"Don't worry, sir. It won't happen anytime so-"

 Austin stops in the middle of his sentence, blushing. This time I blush too. I can't believe this is what we are talking about. Dad clears his throat again.

"Well, that's good to hear, I guess."

My mom steps in, sighing. "When I said 'to have some privacy', I think you misunderstood what I meant," she begins, glaring at us. "What we are trying to say, it that we want you to respect the rules. No boys in Emma's room, at least not with the door closed. And if...when the right time comes, and you both feel the same, if you decide to have sex, we want you to be protected."

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