Chapter Twenty-one

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Chapter Twenty-one

"Mommy, when is she going to wake up?"

I struggle to collect my thoughts, recognizing the voice of my little brother Joey.

What's he doing here, in my room? In a failing effort to open my eyes, I focus on the sounds around me. A continuous, annoying beep. Shuffling feet. Hushed voices. 

Where am I? Why can't I open my eyes and move?

"I don't know honey," another voice says. Its Mom. "Soon. Can I have a minute alone, please?"

She sounds so sad, so heart broken.

"Of course mom," a hoarse voice says. I'm unsure of whose it is. There's more shuffling.

"I don't want to leave," Joey whines, sniffling. "Please, don't make me leave. I want to stay by Emmie's side."

"It's okay, little man," someone says, one of my brothers. "We'll come back later."

Shoes squeak against the floor, and then the sound of a door closing. Then silence.

There is a scrapping sound.

"Oh baby girl," Mom says. I feel her warm hand curl around my own, squeezing. "Come back, please. We need you to come back to us."


I grow frustrated.

Why can't I wake up? 

"The doctors say you can hear us," she says, pausing. "You got hit by a car. Your dad found you. The neurologists have no idea if you'll wake up." She begins to cry, her words muffled. I want to tell her its okay, to not cry, that I'm here and that I'm okay. But, I can't. 

"Please, I can't lose you too Emma. Wake up, I'm begging you. I can't lose another child."

I want to do something. Squeeze her hand, let her know I'm here.

Nothing works.

Everything turns to darkness, again.



I struggle to focus on the voice.

"Emma, its me, Austin."


Its quiet for a few moments, and I begin to think maybe he left.

"I miss you. I need to see your beautiful smile, hear your laugh. Please wake up," he says, his voice close, as if he is only inches from my ear. "Its so painful to see you just laying in this damn bed."

"I'm going to call you sleeping beauty until you wake, you know," he says, offering a small chuckle. "Maybe a kiss will do the trick."

There is pressure and warmth on my lips as Austin kisses me.

"I love you Emma."

His words are jumble together, and everything fades to darkness once again.


The next time I come to, there is a loud thump, and my eyes pop open.

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