Chapter Six

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Chapter Six


struggling to stay calm

as I listen to this genius

translate a foreign language - for me

chemistry will be treated like the plague

but for now it would be a blessing

for this lesson to end

so I can jump for joy

and maybe get to know this boy.


"What? Right now?" I ask Austin, who is standing at my front door, dressed in basketball shorts and a blue sweater, holding his chemistry book. He's grinning from ear to ear.

"Umhm. So are you going to let me in or what?" Austin asks, leaning on the casing of the door, waiting for me to welcome him in. I sigh and let him pass. Austin flops down on the sofa in the living room and pats the seat next to him.

"So, where is everyone?" Austin asks, flipping to a page in the book. I sit down beside Austin, offering him some M&M's that I just grabbed from the kitchen counter.

"Everyone is out. I think Aidan is at Henry's studying. Why aren't you with them?"

"I like you better," Austin says, grinning. I narrow my eyes at him but I can't help but feel my heart flutter at his words.

After explaining almost everything that Ms. Kinney has already taught, such as the metals, which there seemed to be hundreds to remember, I start to daze and stare off into space. Austin is so passionate that he doesn't even notice I'm not paying attention until he asks a question and I don't answer.

"Emma! Are you even listening?" Austin asks, snapping his fingers in my face then giving me a playful push.

"No, not really." I say, and Austin gives me an exasperated look. "We've been at this for almost an hour. Can't we take a break?"

"A break from what?"

Startled by the voice, I turn and see Quinn standing behind us, his arms crossed over his chest. He looks from Austin to me, his eyes suspicious.

"Chemistry. Nothing you would understand," I say, smirking. Austin snorts and I turn to look at him.

"Like you do." Austin laughs. I punch him in the arm hard, making him shut up and pout. Quinn groans and walk away, heading upstairs. My mom comes in next, her arms full of bags. She notices us and smiles.

"Here, Mrs. Taylor, let me help," Austin says, jumping up from his spot on the floor and rushes to my Mom. He takes some bags from her hands.

"Thank you Austin. Do you mind going and getting the last bag from the car, and helping Joey out from his car seat? He said he didn't want any help but I bet he's still out there."

Austin happily obliges, waving to me as he leaves the house to get my little brother.

"Hey honey. How was school?" My Mom asks as she starts to unpack the groceries from the bags. I walk over beside her and lean on the counter.

"Good, I guess. Chemistry sucks but Austin is helping me," I say, shrugging my shoulder. Mom smiles, and wiggles her eyebrows. I know what she is insinuating. "Ew, Mom. I don't like him like that!"

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