Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Violence is never

the answer the say

however, I would

kick your ass any day

just name the place and time

because nobody gets away

with the disrespect you portray

and the words you talk

keep in mind

I can't just walk

"Excuse me?" I say in annoyance, leaning closer into make sure I'm hearing right. Carla laughs loudly, stepping toward me. Who the hell is she to tell me I'm to break up with Austin? We aren't even together.

"You heard me," Carla says, smiling. 

I roll my eyes, crossing my arms. "Oh, I heard you. I just want to know what makes you, a despicable, obnoxious little bitch has the right to tell me that I have to break with Austin," I spit out, angry. 

Carla glares at me, scoffing. "Please, we all know he deserves better than you," she says, pausing to size me up. She's beginning to piss me off. "I mean who wants to be with someone who is damaged? No body wants damaged goods." 

She smirks, looking back at her posse for approval. They nod, urging her forward.

"Shut up. Do you have to go and make a scene everywhere you go? All you want is attention. It's what people like you survive on. You are pathetic," I say, and step forward. 

"You're the one who is pathetic. You think Austin likes you. He only feels bad for you," she says, pointing at me. Okay, that stings a little. And Carla knows it. "I mean, we all feel bad for you. You lost your little brother."

My breath hitches, my stomach in my throat. How dare she bring up Tyler. She's trying to hurt me but and no matter what she says, I won't let her.

"Don't bring up Tyler. He has nothing to do with this and you know it," I snap, balling my hand into a fist.  

"The only reason Austin is with you is because he feels bad and wants to help you," Carla says,  reaching forward and grasping my shoulder. She pats it comfortingly. "I mean, you have to know that nobody would want to be with someone so miserable like you."

I shrug off her hand, pushing her away. She falls back into Whitney but doesn't loose her footing and shoves me back.

"You are just saying this crap because you want him for yourself. You're so selfish, you ruin other peoples lives. I mean look what you did to Whitney, you made her into your slave," I say, gesturing to Whitney who looks away. Poor girl.

Carla leans in again and laughs loudly.

"I may ruin lives, but I don't end up with blood on my hands," she says, shrugging a shoulder.

Without any control, my clinched fist flies up, connecting with Carla's face. 

Her head snaps back, blood spurting out of her nose. Anger soars through me, and I attempt to hit her again but someone from behind catches my hand. By now, we have everyone's attention. People are talking in loud voices, staring. Girls gasp at the sight of blood.

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