Chapter Twenty-five

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Chapter Twenty-five

Being with you

makes everything better

when its just you and me


when you are close

my stomach flutters

you look at me with such affection

as if no one else matters

and that's why its so easy

to confess my feeling

that run so deeply

it easy to admit

I love you.

"Where do you want to eat?" Austin asks, as he pulls out of the physical therapy clinic.

I glance at him, confused. "What do you mean?"

"I'm going to take you out to eat, so where do you want to go?"  

I struggle to think of a place, surprised. "I want pizza," I say, giving in to a craving. Austin chuckles, turning left into town. 

"Okay," he says, and pulls into a Pizza Delight, parking near the entrance. 

He gets out first, grabbing Frank from the cab and opening the door, the cold brisk air flowing through. He unfolds Frank and lifts me out of the truck, setting me down.

I smile. "So, is this a date?" I ask as Austin pushes me into the restaurant. There is immediate warmth inside, and I feel my insides defrosting.

"Yes, our first official date," he says, 

"You should have told me! I would have dressed up, curled my hair, or at least put on some lip stick and-"

Austin comes around in front of me, cutting me off. "Emma, you're perfect the way you look now," he says, bending down and kissing my forehead. 

I blush as a waitress comes around the corner. She smiles politely, "For two?"'

She leads us to a table, but we fall behind a bit because of the damn wheelchair and tight spaces. Once she stops, we catch up. Austin helps me onto the booth and the waitress, who's name tag says 'Lindsay', drops menus on the table. 

"Can I get you two something to drink?"

I order a water with ice and Austin gets a coke. The waitress leaves, and I glance at Austin.

"I hate not being able to walk," I state. My eyes wander around the room, glancing over the few people already eating. "It makes me feel self conscious."

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