Cheat Sheet: The Taylor Household

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-For those who get confused with the ridiculous amount of brothers Emma has-

Youngest to oldest of the Taylor household:

Joey : (five) youngest, likes batman, and has a crush on Isabella. 

Quinn: (fourteen) trouble maker of the family. Does not get along with Emma and alienates her.

Emma: (seventeen, main character) Gets along with all her brothers except for Quinn.  

Ben and Aidan: (seventeen) Twins. Seniors in high school, both play on the basketball team. Aidan also plays on the baseball team. He has a soft spot for Emma.  Ben is smart, the "genius" of the family. Best friends with Austin. 

Owen: (twenty) kind of goes unnoticed, works at his dads mechanic shop and studies to be a auto mechanic in college. Lives at home. 

Logan: (twenty- two) studies counselling psychology at local university. He likes to help, even if its not appreciated. Lives at home. 

Jude: (twenty-three) studies at the local university and has his own apartment. Like Aidan, he has a soft spot for Emma though is more protective. Logan and Jude are close. 

Daniel: (twenty-five) oldest of the brood, in a relationship with Beatrice. Studies law at Toronto University, living in a apartment close to campus. Came home for the summer.

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