The problem...

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She didn't go to college, for two days. She built up her brave face as she stood now in a straighter and stronger fashion. Swayam had handled the situation at college, and also Rey. Thankfully, he didn't call her during this time, she would break down to his sweet words and she wouldn't like it. She had to be strong for her family; for them. 

          "Bhai, please remind Rey about the sports equipment. I have somehow managed to have them delivered in the morning. Tell him to personally check them!" She called out as she picked up the forms and put them neatly in a file.

 "Yes. But, please message the same to him as well. I might forget." Swayam replied as scrolled through his phone, putting on a reminder. "Say what time will the equipment come?" He asked, his eyebrows raised hiding behind his black hair swept across his forehead as usual.

          "Around 10:30 ish" She stated as she pulled out hers typing a quick message to her prince charming. 

"Message sent, I'll see you; later." She replied as she kissed his cheek running out to the car, booked by the college.


The drive to Pune had been very tiring, but finally, the G.S of St.louis was able to complete all the necessary details to have her college enter the competition. The girl groaned as she sat in the, looking out to the passing buildings. She was so close, she could always go and visit her. That's the least she could do...

      "Bhaiya, could you please take me to St. Redwood?" She asked sweetly.

Receiving a quick nod, she turned her attention to the clock 4 PM she could have a snack in the canteen. She missed those chicken sandwiches and could use one now, after the long tiring day. But the rain was bound to pour on her sunny plan...

'MAYANK AGARWAL calling..'

'what's he calling for?' biting her inner cheek she picked up the call. The football captain was annoying and extremely demanding. She hoped Rey hadn't missed the order up, he had to just collect the things he couldn't and wouldn't mess it up; for a lifetime. 

          "Hello, Mayank!" She tried to sound normal and not let her frustration seep through.

"Taani, I haven't called to exchange pleasantries!" He barked from the other side

       "Obviously.." She mumbled as she massaged her eyebrows together in further irritation. 

"No, this is ridiculous! Do you not take us seriously?" He asked again.

"Well.. we are not dating or anything.."

        "I am in no mood for your stupid jokes. The equipment! it's is all ruined!" He barked in irritation. "Now, listen  Little Miss. GS I don't care where you are and what you're doing, I want you to come here and fix your mess. This is ridiculous; for once think of someone else than your brother and boyfriend's team."

        "Mayank, I am in Pune. I would have come but it's not possible... As I had come here for the DRAMA Team" She pressed on the word Drama, this guy should definitely join the team.

"I don't give a flying cows shit! I will fucking wait! Come and straighten up your damn mess! You would wonder why other teams don't get any representation in the college. With the Bitchy GS, no one has a chance, do we?" She sighed as she closed her eyes, in regret for entrusting Rey with the responsibility. 

        "I'll come. Send me a photo please." 


The beep; indicative of the line ending made Taani close her eyes in sheer exhaustion. She so wanted to go and meet the source of her happiness, she wanted to do stay in Pune. But she had to go back ...

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