No one is playing games here!

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Rey took a deep breath, preparing himself for a potentially intense conversation with his angry girlfriend. He approached her cautiously, trying to gauge her mood before speaking.

"Hey, babe," Rey said softly, his voice tinged with concern. "What's going on? Is everything okay?" His voice depicted his tired state.

His girlfriend, still visibly agitated, looked up at him with a mix of frustration and sadness in her eyes. Her lips were tightly pressed together as she tried to find the right words to express herself.  

Swayam sighed looking at the duo, Rey was gonna act like a stuck-up bitch now that he had to get up in the middle of the night. "Taani, why don't we talk about it tomorrow?" Swayam said the same thing again, that he has been repeating. 

"No!" Taani screamed. 

  "Yeah, let's talk now! Knowing your sister she might want to ignore my existence tomorrow." Rey taunted. 

Taani narrowed her eyes as she stepped towards her boyfriend, her walk predatory. Rey raised his eyebrows, further challenging his lover. 

   "You are the one to talk!" She accused him.

Before Rey could reply or say anything she continued to eye him with a stingy expression. "You have time to talk to Tammy but, you can't pick up my calls?" She asked him. 

    "I thought, you didn't want me!" Rey had decided he wasn't going to dig that hole. She was frustrated when she said that and he understood he was wrong as well, he shouldn't have pushed his way into a space he wasn't invited, not by her but by her family. It wasn't something that only concerned her, but her family and he should have respected those boundaries. He was acting like a brat, but, that didn't justify her words and nor did it pacify his hurt. 

So, he had planned to talk to her and make her understand how he felt about her words. Instead, here he was having an outburst again and regretting but still, his stubborn mind didn't stop. He should have stopped at her hurt expression.

"Oh! that's what this is? Your stupid plan at getting back at me? For what I said?" She asked annoyed. 

       He was agitated now, did she think he is playing games here? This is their relationship, not some playground, for fucks sake. 

"Grow up, Taani. No one is playing games here!" He sighed rubbing his face in frustration. 

              "Guys, I still think we should rest for tonight and you two can have a level-headed discussion tomorrow," Swayam muttered as he now lay on the black sofa in Rey's living room. 

"No!" the couple screamed. Too stubborn to accept defeat. 

Sighing, Swayam moved towards Rey's bedroom. "Well, I will sleep." 


"Where have you been?" The father asked in worry. He hadn't seen his son for a few days, and to be honest Sumeet Shekhawat wasn't proud of it. He had always known, his kids grew up fast and well, all by themselves. His daughters never complained and learned to live for each other. They supported each other and their family after they lost their mother. Sumeet had tried very hard to provide some sort of comfort to his daughters, but the guilt of burdening his firstborn with all of this was eating him alive.  His son, staying away for days wasn't helping his guilt either. 

           He had known, Abhimanyu wasn't like the rest his age. He was more secluded; an introverted personality, which only was seen breaking with selective people.  And, how did Sumeet Shekhawat wish he was a part of those selective few? But, he wasn't. That was simply it. Though, they didn't have a strained father-son relationship; like that of his elder brother and his nephew. But, it wasn't one of ease, like he remembered it once was.

"Out, had some important work to take care of. " Abhimanyu answered he sat next to his father as he untied his shoelace and tried to avoid eye contact.  His heart swelled with pride seeing the young man his son had become, but then he noticed something that made his heart sink. There, on Abhimanyu's neck, was a vivid red hickey, unmistakable evidence of intimacy.

The sight filled Sumeet with mixed emotions. On one hand, he was worried that he had missed so much of his son's life that he didn't even know if he had a partner now. On the other hand, he felt spite of anger, if Abhimanyu had someone in his life couldn't he share it with his father? 

         Before he could poke the bear further, Abhimanyu turned his honey-brown eyes towards his father. "Dad, did you take your medications on time?" He asked. 

"Yes!" Sumeet Shekhawat whispered. 

 "Good! I wanna discuss something with the family. I will talk tomorrow over breakfast; you know with Taani and Tammy. I know Tammy is already in school but we can..." Abhimanyu had started ranting. Shocker! That's the most his father had heard him speak over something that wasn't related to his missions. 

          "Taani, went back to Bombay! I guess, I will only be present for the discussion tomorrow." The father had cut his son, in between. 

"Oh... Oh? Really?" Now his voice sounded even further desperate to recoil to his room, and Sumeet could understand that. He was just as tense to share his interest in Tanisha, with his father back then. 

       "We can talk tomorrow, Good night!" Sumeet reassured as he got up from the sofa and moved toward his bedroom. 

"Good night father!" Abhimanyu whispered.


Riddhima sighed as she looked at her reflection in the mirror again. Should she wear something more traditional? She was gonna meet her father-in-law, after all. A Saree? She didn't have any. A traditional Punjabi dress? She only had heavy ones, the kind you wear for weddings. Groaning she eyed the pastel pink kurti, she bought only a few days ago. It would suit her very well with her blue denim, that was the plan. And the silver Jhumkas, Abhimanyu had gifted her on their first anniversary. That's all she had got on her first anniversary, some women gush about the red roses, balloons, diamond rings and the time spent together. Receiving the Jhumkas with a Happy Anniversary note written by him had made her giddy for days. It was a sign, that he remembered her and thought of her, for that she was happy.

So, Riddhima got herself ready to face today with a dazzling smile. Hoping, Sumeet Shekawat would accept her. 


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