The Ultimatum!

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Rey's annoyance increased as he heard the fits of laughter once again, he had taken a leave from the college to avoid the sound; he had a severe migraine attack in the morning. But, instead of respecting his privacy; his friends had shown up at his door uninvited, and here he was instructing Kaka what to do...

"Beta, you should rest!"

           "No, Kaka! I will be fine! I did take my medications, give it some time! You should go home, your daughter has come, isn't she?" He asked as he sat on the counter and massaged his temple softly. 

"Yes! I will. Let me give out this coffee!" Kaka informed as he picked up the tray loaded with coffee mugs. Rey sighed picking up another tray filled with snacks, he walked out of the kitchen. The urge to cover his ears soon returned when his friends started yelling his name. 

          "Rey!" Vickey's voice called out again, he closed his eyes and released a long sigh as his head throbbed again, opening his eyes slowly he strode toward his friends. Placing the plate down, he quickly picked up his coffee mug and sat next to the only calm person in the group; Swayam. 

Swayam was busy on his phone; chatting. Rey nodded Vickey to continue, and the boy ranted about some ridiculous spat that he had with some student. Rey's ears drummed with Vickey's loud voice,  Amar's continuous crunching of wafers, and Swayam's constant typing. 

Simmi was another person, who had grown quitter and Rey felt guilty to see her in that state. He observed her as Nil passed her some snacks, she took a total of two chips. Nil sighed upset looking at her distress. The old woman's death has taken a toll on her mental health; the police had already called her twice in the last week for interrogation. 

"Swayam yaar, can you keep that phone aside for a moment?" Sharon snapped, Rey looked over his shoulder to see Swayam give a surprised look, as he pocketed his phone silently.

     "Yeah, I have been observing since morning, you are only on your stupid phone! What's up?" Vickey asked a little distracted.

"Areee, it was my cousin... Tamanna!" Swayam provided the name looking at Rey and Sharon. Both nodded, and Rey couldn't help but ask, "How is she?" 

"She is doing well! She said she will call you tonight and wants to talk to you." That brought a big smile to his face. The girl was truly adorable. 


"Tammy!" Tamanna groaned as she stopped walking down the school corridor. Yes, she was brought back to the school only a few days after her father was discharged; all courtesy to her elder brother Abhimanyu. 

    "Yes?" Tamanna turned toward Aliza, her childhood friend. 

"Aanchal ma'am is looking for you." She informed as dread took over her expression. 

"Damn! Her assignment!" Tamanna cursed as she rushed towards the staff room to get an extension.


"Have you completely lost it?" Abhimanyu couldn't help but ask. He eyed the woman in front of him. She had called him, to talk to him. And just when he had hoped for things to go back to normal; the woman brought in a new topic for him to stress over.

         "No! in fact, I think I have just gained my senses..." Riddhima stood her ground as she eyed her husband with indifference. "So, Mr. Abhimanyu Shekhawat, you either come clean to your family and accept me as your wife or I file a divorce. I give you a week!" 

"Riddhima, I have got my father to take care of. Taani will be leaving within 2 days! When do I talk to my family?" He asked rubbing his palm across his distressed face. Suddenly at 11 am, he was done for the day!

      "All the more reason to hurry up Abhi!"

"You're giving me an ultimatum?" He couldn't help but question in an annoyed tone...

      "Yes!" She answered even more firmly. 


Taani eyed her phone as she waited for her phone to light up; indicating his message. But, to no avail. She had sent a message 2 hours back; but still no reply. This irritated her; she wanted to talk to him... They hadn't communicated after his return to Mumbai. She wanted to talk, but she knew he was upset with her; so she gave him some time to gather his thoughts and maybe cool down. 

     But the time hadn't done anything...

"How rude of him! I am apologizing! I said I would like to talk and apologize in person and everything! But this boy!" She groaned into her white pillow. "Ridiculous!" She murmured as she threw the pillow at the ceiling, and yelped loudly as the pillow hit the fan and the pillow was torn to pieces. The white cotton was now spreading all over the room. Taani sat up straight as she wasn't sure what to do...

      "Taanu?" Her father called out as he heard her fearful yelp and walked to the room to see his daughter as she sat stunned on her bed with cotton flaring around the room. "What are you doing?" 

            "Don't we have feathers in the pillow?" 

"What?" He asked as he walked towards the switchboard and put the fan off.


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