3 Hours

125 4 1

Swayam couldn't ignore the calls, so he picked up Nil's call as it rang for the fifth time that night. 

       "Swayam, bro! Where the fuck are you guys?" Nil's hurried voice called out from the other side. 

"Around.." Swayam sighed, closing his eyes he hated lying, especially to his close ones. He breathed in the dark coffee smell, he so loved. 

             "Very funny! When are you coming to college?" Nil asked his voice still lacing with concern.

"Very soon, buddy!" Swayam replied. He slowly sipped his coffee and felt the burn of the hot fumes in his throat. He closed his eyes as he remembered Taani and Rey's argument earlier, and he was sure of the outcome; their bags would be packed soon and they will have to return to Mumbai, whether they liked it or not. 

          "Bro, everything's fine right?" Nil asked; the news article still running through his mind. 

"Yes, why would you ask?" Swayam asked as he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Did the gang know something? Had Sharon or Rey let anything slip?

           "It's just that we saw a news article... A particular name stuck out..." Nil tried to explain but no further explanation was required. Swayam knew in an instant what he was talking about, but right now it was important to speak with Taani about this. 

"Nil, everything is fine! Don't worry!! I will talk to you later! Okay? Bye!" He hanged the phone and turned to move toward Taani's room. She needs to know this, maybe even Abhi Bhaiya. 


"She is being ridiculous!" Rey muttered again as he again paced towards the window in the room. Sharon groaned and so did Tamanna. 

    "Boy, and isn't your pacing helping the situation!" Tamanna muttered as she slumped on the bed her head resting on one of the fluffy pillows. Pink and fluffy quiet contrast to the girls punk attitude.

Sarcasm was another trait different from Taani's. Rey had noted a few things that were in complete contrast between the sisters. Taani didn't usually use sarcasm unless someone had pissed her off to a breaking point, then her speech is snappy and sarcastic with a sharp edge of taunts. But, Tamanna used sarcasm as her daily dose. 

         "Excuse me?" Rey passed a stern look to the teenage girl and his hands folded against his chest.  Tamana sat up straighter at the stern voice, Rey was the only person she could tolerate in the house currently and she didn't want to cross sides with him. 

"Look, all I mean is... You need to give Di some time! We are not used to getting help! Since, Mumma we have learned to take care of our own, whether financially or emotionally. Even though Di, was at Jodhpur Dad or Bhaiya have always sent her allowance to Tauji and Di has always attended all my Parent-teacher meetings as a Guardian. Dad has paid my School and Hostel fees, and Bhaiya is paying for Di's college fees. Before this as well things had gone bad, Dad and Bhai both; did return injured from a number of operations, obviously none as serious as this one or as high profile; but Di stood up. She always delivered and took care of things seamlessly. She never had a helping hand and hence she doesn't want one now!" Tamanna explained. She understood why Taani would find it difficult to get help from Rey or anyone. Because, when they were young; when they really needed help no one gave them, not even their own relatives. Just picking up a daughter and raising her using the money given by her father isn't help, but whatever. But now? They are old enough to take care of themselves, they don't need help. 

              "Tammy, I know things were difficult but... Just because you didn't get help then, doesn't mean you won't get help now! We are here; Swayam, Sharon, and I. We want to help. I want you to understand that..." Rey bent down to face the young girl, his eyes piercing her soul. 

"Sometimes, a person just being around you, not doing anything. But, that person standing next to you; no matter what. It's the biggest help. Just like Taani does for you all! So seamlessly, she doesn't provide you with any monetary support but she is just there!" He was cut short by the young girl. 

           "And that's enough!" She knew that was all that she needed. That is exactly why she didn't want her sister in SHADOW OPERATIONS. Cause she won't be there around, then!

"Exactly! That's enough, and I wanna be there for my Taani. Is it so wrong?" 

Tears slipped down her brown eyes as the weight of his words rolled down on her shoulders. Taani was there, to manage things for dad, to run around for her, and to listen to Bhaiya. But, was there anyone there for her? She hugged the boy in front of her and softly whispered. 

"Stay, for her!" 


"Absolute fool!" Taani cursed as she threw another T-shirt of his into his duffle bag. What was he thinking? He needs to return, everyone is so worried about him. His friends and family, what is he doing? Getting involved in things he doesn't need to! Poking his nose where it doesn't belong!

     "Idiot!" She cursed again, picking up his metallic chain and perfume from the dressing table. Picking up fights with his family, the ones who love him. 

Her phone rang and it was Singh Uncle. Sighing loudly she rubbed her temple slowly. She picked up the phone and whispered a throaty greeting. 

"Beta, the flight tickets to Mumbai are booked! It's in 3 Hours! But I could only get two. Reyansh Singhania and Sharon Rai Prakash." He informed. 

"That will be fine. Thank you Singh Uncle!" She whispered. She knows he will be very upset, but she couldn't help it! He needs to go, she won't have him fighting with his family like this, for whatever reason. He can go to Mumbai and talk to them and his friends. 


Hello Everyone! Sorry for the late update.

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