"Did you know your sister had a boyfriend?"

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"Shit!" Rey groaned as he tried to call his girlfriend again. Yesterday he received 27 missed calls from her; did he ignore her calls on purpose? Obviously not! He had slept early that day and hence wasn't available to communicate with her. But now? Her phone was out of network. 

     "Dude! Good morning!" Nil greeted the boy as soon as he walked into the rehearsal hall. 

Rey sighed as he pocketed his phone and nodded sourly toward his friend. "All good?" Nil questioned as he placed his bag in one corner of the rehearsal hall. 

"Yes, just annoyed at the morning rehearsals!" Rey muttered, trying not to bring up Taani's topic. The gang has repeatedly enquired about Taani; by now the gang was sure that Sharon, Swayam, Taani, and himself were hiding something from them. Hence, it made Rey feel even more guilty to lie to them. 

    "Rey, you know we would support you right? Even, if you got the poor girl pregnant and are now trying to hide it from us! We support the two of you!" Vicky's annoying voice rang again in his ears. 

        "Yeah man, you can definitely complain about that to Sharon!" Nil agreed. 

It took only ten minutes for the rest of the members to arrive and at dot 6:45 am they started their rehearsals; as planned. 

".. and a 5,6,7, 8....." Sharon gave a count and the team followed. They were practicing a different regime and for the first time, they had Amar as the lead. It was Swayam's idea to have different members take the lead as it would bring freshness to their acts; as each member had a mastery in a certain dance form. 


"Hello!" Rey greeted happily as he sat on the edge of the college terrace, it was around 7:40; which gave him 20 whole minutes to talk to his favorite new person. 

    "Rey, yaar I have no idea how Di was able to do this stupid thing! But, you have got to talk to her and make sure she pulls me out of this stupid class!"Tamanna groaned as she eyed her school shoes. 

"I have no idea, how your Di did all that! But, come on Tammy horse riding is gonna be pretty badass!" Rey tried to persuade the youngest member of the Shekhawat family. 

     "Sure, with all the dust and smell! I would like to see you do it! And anyway, how the hell is it gonna be helpful?" This time her voice was a slow whisper as she eyed the other girls rushing around the busy corridor of the hostel. 

"What do you mean?" Rey squinted as he wore a confused mask on his visage. 

      "Rey, are we living in the bloody 1600s? That I need my horse to travel? No! I need a car, a scooter, a bike, hell a bicycle to travel! And what is it that I have to learn? Horse riding? Which fort do you want me to conquer?" Tamanna groaned as she wailed in despair. 

Rey chuckled, but had to admit to himself; the girl did have a point. 

"I am not your Di's favorite person right now! But, I can try!" Rey supplied as he chuckled softly as the girl squealed excitedly. 

      "Yesss! Has anyone ever told you, you're the best?" 

"No?" Rey chuckled. 

"Well, you have heard it here first! Rey, you are the best!" And Rey couldn't help but laugh!

"And who might be near the telephone at such an oddly hour? Of course, it's you Ms. Shekhawat!"  Rey stopped laughing at the stern voice in the background. 

"Warden!" Tamanna squeaked. 

Cursing slightly Rey wondered if he should keep the phone, but then why should he? If it was Rudransh, he wouldn't have done that! In fact, Rey would have had a word with the Warden and apologized! So, Tamanna's case would be no different. 

"Who is it that you are talking to; young lady?"

   "A family friend, Warden." Tamanna answered. 

And so, Rey heard the stern voice. "This is Sister Agnes! May I know who am I speaking to?"

"Good Morning, sister! I am Reyansh Singhania. A family friend of Tamanna's." Rey provided as he sat up straighter. 

"Mr. Singhania, I would like to inform you that the hostel phone is to be used only to contact family members, strictly!" 

"Of course! I had tried calling Tamanna on her mobile..." 

"Her handheld was confiscated from her a few days back as she was using it in the mess constantly messaging her....cousin, was it?" Rey knew it was a question to Tamanna and her confirmation, connected the dots. Of course, she was talking to Swayam.

       "Sister, I understand it was wrong of her to do so... But, she does need her mobile phone with her in case of emergencies..." Rey just couldn't help it. 

 " You saying anything in her defense won't help her at all. As the hostel only communicates with family and not family friends. Hence, I suggest you keep this communication spree silent for some time, as I ponder on exactly when to give Ms. Shekhawat her phone." And the line went silent. 

Rey cursed loudly this time, only hoping to not have landed Tamanna in any trouble due to his loud mouth.


"Oh, you are in such trouble, young lady." Sister Agnes commented as she dragged Tamanna towards her cabin. 


Taani was all set to return to Mumbai, hence she had come to meet Varun and Karan's family. the neighbors had been of real help and she only wanted to thank them. Varun and Karan had been kind enough to walk her to the front porch; when her father opened the front door. He looked extremely worried and pissed. 

"Papa? All good?" 

    "No! It's Tammy!" Taani eyed the car keys in his hands, and she knew instantly that her father had received a call from the school.

"Did you know your sister had a boyfriend?" Now it was Taani's turn to be surprised.



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