And Grace.

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Taani was waiting outside her father's room, patiently waiting for him to gain consciousness. That's when Tammana rushed toward Taani and hugged her tightly from behind, the little sister was a breath of fresh air for Taani; she turned around and hugged the young girl. 

          "Tammy" She breathed softly her voice hoarse. 

"Dad's fine!" She informed as she smiled warmly at her younger sister. She repeated it repeatedly to console her sister and her cousin, who rushed to hug his sister. Rey and Sharon sighed loudly in relief

      "Umm, Taani?" The trio broke the hug to turn around and see Dr. Riddhima Sen, standing smiling at the elder daughter of the Shekhawat household. Riddhima quietly offered her a cup of coffee while she sipped slowly from the other cup. Taani nodded thankfully and took the cup sipping the hot beverage to herself. 

"Bhai, this Dr. Riddhima Sen: she operated dad!" Taani informed, after taking a couple of sips.

       "Oh! Thank you so much, Doctor!" Swayam moved ahead to shake Riddhima's hand in gratitude. Riddhima smiled graciously as she turned to eye the youngest member of the house.

"Tammana, right?" She called out trying to recall the name. 

     Tammana, nodded slowly still attached to her sister's arms. "Oh my my, you have grown up quite a bit! I remember, little Tamanna trying to solve those big jigsaw puzzles, isn't that right?" She asked turning towards Taani to reconfirm. Her manicured nails raked through Tamana's short silky hair. 

Taani chuckled lightly, "Yes, she sure did love them!" 

     "Ri!" An enthusiastic voice called out. Riddhima turned smiling as if she was well aware of the voice. 

"Jay? Any news on him?" Riddhima turned to inquire to the elder boy, he stood tall to tower everyone in the corridor, barring Swayam and Rey. He was dressed in an all-black jumpsuit and Green jacket, hair casually ruffled together as he smiled warmly at everyone.

Sharon wouldn't lie, but the boy was a pleasure and ease for sore eyes. Especially the eyes that have been continuously shedding tears for the last 8 hours. So, when Taani eyed him with twinkling eyes she wasn't surprised.

      "Jay? As in Jay Dixit? Your teammate?" Taani asked in wonder.

"Yes, Jay Dixit. I was your brother's teammate! Though that ass never introduced us officially!" He forwarded his hand for a handshake which Taani accepted happily. 

        "But still, I have heard quite a few things about you!" Taani provided.

"None from your brother, I hope!" Jay chuckled slowly scratching his neck. Taani smiled lowly, as Tamana pulled her hand to gain attention.

        "Can I see father?" She asked lowly. 

"Not yet, love! He is high on medications for now. Let's give him some time, why don't you come back tomorrow?" Riddhima provided. 

       "But..."Tamana tried to argue. 

"Tammy! I think that's right! You should go and rest... I will be here..." Taani tried to explain to her sister when Jay's cool voice cut her out.

"Madam, you need to rest as well! Take some rest, we are here.." 

      "No, Jay I need to..." 

"Taani, you need to rest..." Rey tried to make his girlfriend understand when Riddhima was called out by a nurse. 

       "Rey, I need to be here for papa!" She stated, her hands stubbornly folded against her chest.

         "No, you need to rest! Go home, I am here!" Swayam ordered in an authoritative tone.


Rey drove the car towards the Shekhawat house; in Pune. The car ride was silent. Pulling the car into the driveway they noticed the black Jaguar, standing proudly. Rey narrowed his eyes suspiciously as his girlfriend muttered a low "oh no.." and got out of the car, once it was parked. 

       "Whose car is this?" Sharon inquired as she pressed her lips under her pearl white teeth in confusion.

"Tauji.." Taani muttered slowly. Rey furrowed his bushy eyebrows together in confusion when his girlfriend again provided with explanation.

      "Swayam's father.."

"Bitya! Bade Saab.." The old maid, Rey had gathered her name yesterday Oma... that's what everyone called her.

"Ha, Oma... Aaayi main..." Taani nodded quietly as she moved towards the main door to walk into the house. "Tamana will go straight to her room." She order silently and kept moving, Tamana sighed as she put her head down and started moving. This behavior confused Rey and Sharon to no bounds, Taani had never ordered or bossed people around, so they couldn't imagine her doing that, even if it was to her own sister. 

       When they walked into the house, they understood why... 

"Taani, you should have waited for Abhimanyu or me! You can't make these kinds of decisions on your own..." That's what Rey heard, the moment he walked into the house.

"Tauji, it was crucial.. If I were to wait for you or Bhaiya, we would have lost dad!" Taani explained calmly. Rey saw Tamana walk into her room and Oma follow her. 

         "This was bound to happen... Sumeet needs to understand, he is not 30 anymore... at the age of 50 taking missions like these..." Tauji had always been critical of her father's profession. Taani knew it, Tauji was basically against every profession that wasn't 'normal'... like an entrepreneur, teacher, banker, or a doctor... so basically everything related to academics.

       Tauji officially hated this profession after losing his own father to it....

"Dad is more than capable to do this!" Taani looked up to her father, even though she felt that maybe sometimes he just tends to drop a lot of things on her shoulder and go... He is her hero, and she would never have anyone disrespect him like this!

         "Taani..." Sharon tried to calm her down as she rubbed her arm soothingly.

"You are very young to understand all of this Taani! Whatever your father does might look cool in those B-town movies you watch! But in real life? It's completely senseless to leave his wife to die and also leave his children every now and then to carry his crap after him!" 

       Taani couldn't understand it! In front of her stood Surya Shekhawat, her father's elder brother talking crap, when her father rests in hospital... No wonder, Bhai hated him!



I'm so sorry for such a delayed update. Hope you like it! Do vote and comment.

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