"Why won't you understand? I am not interested!

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"When can you discharge him?" Abhimanyu asked as he sat tensely in the leather chair in the doctor's cabin. The tension ran thick in the room, the disagreement of last night still fresh in their mind. 

      "Tammy, would you like some candy? " Riddhima asked as she ignored the brother in the room and smiled at the younger sister. The sister being so pissed with her siblings immediately agreed. Abhimanyu rolled his brown eyes at the childish behavior. 

        "Are you going to answer me?" he asked now irritated with the ignorance. 

"I had a small surgery today! Mrs. Verma, finally had her hernia removed." She informed, smiling sweetly at Taani's stunned expression. 

"Ridz, I am talking to you!" His anger now reached his edge as he enunciated every word he spoke.  His eyes were red and his jaw clenched.

          "I want to get a pedicure... You wanna..."

Taani spoke quickly interrupting her Riddhima and Abhimanyu's banter. 

"Are you going to discharge him?" She asked.

            "Yes, Maybe Monday? I think you should get a full-time nurse to take care of him for some time. Here, is the list of medications required for him." She answered simply and started to note down some medicines. 

"Thank you, so much!" Taani whispered as she eyed her brother. Why wouldn't Riddhima talk to him?! He is close to her, he calls her by a nickname for goodness sake! 

            Taani and Tamana stood up to walk out of the cabin, but the brother sat put. "You go, I will see you home!" His eyes fixed on Riddhima's black orbs, which were trained on a patient's file. 


"Do you know what this is about?" Taani asked as she walked the hospital corridor in a state of confusion.

        "I don't know! Maybe he has constipation!" Tamanna answered.  Taani rolled her eyes and walked out to look for Rey, he very generously drove them to the hospital. 

"There's your lover boy!" Tamanna pointed out to Rey talking on the phone. 

            "He is not my lover boy!" Taani spat quietly as she walked hurriedly to a tense Reyansh Singhania. 

"Dad, why won't you understand? I am not interested!" He whisper yelled. 

          "See! This is exactly why I don't pick up your calls!" He muttered as he cut the call.

"Hey?"Taani asked as she put her hand on his shoulder in a comforting manner, Rey turned around and pulled her in a quick hug as he closed his eyes and breathed in her lavender shampoo. 

Small tears of frustration dropped from his eyes as they caressed her boney shoulders. She pulled him towards her closer to calm him and he sighed in her sweet embrace. Her petite body against his gave a sense of satisfaction and composure to his disturbed state of mind. Closing her eyes, Taani also focused on her breathing as she felt him breathe with her, the slow intakes of her breath were now mixed with his heavy ones.  Her fingers brushed through his gelled hair and messaged his scalp with love and affection. And slowly his breath was normal.

"*cough* Not a Loverboy! *cough*" Tammana fake coughed pulling them out of her reverie as they looked at her a little scandalized. There was no particular discussion that happened but Taani and Rey never disclosed their relationship to their siblings; maybe because of the timing of the situation. But, that didn't mean the siblings needed a public speech to know the truth. Tamanna was made aware of the brewing romance by Rey himself, maybe not by words but by his phone wallpaper. While Abhimanyu had always been observant when it comes to his sisters. Just maybe, the sisters weren't so observant of Abhimanyu, they had never thought of looking too deep into his life; cause his life had always been simple and boring. But the simplest of lives have the deepest secrets.


         "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Abhimanyu grunted sharply, his eyes red and jaw clenched. Riddhima knew it was time to pay attention to him, only this level of anger and frustration would get him to speak.

            "What's wrong with me? What the fuck is wrong with you?" She screeched as she stood up and dashed towards the cabin to lock the door and drew the curtains close.

"Riddhima, my family..." She knew where this was going and she needed him to stop.

"After 2 fucking years, I thought you'd have a better excuse!" Riddhima sighed and crossed her arms over her chest. Her eyes trained on the show plant at the far left of her cabin and her lips pursed in disbelief. 

        "Excuse? Do you think that's what I am doing? Giving you excuses!" He stood up, chair rolling back at the window with a sudden jolt.

      "What else could it be?" She shrugged and moved towards the desk, her high heels clicking the marble flooring, pulling her hair together, he noticed the dangling earrings in her ears. As he approached her, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and he grabbed her arm quickly. Tucking her loose hair strand behind her ears he inspected the earrings. 

"Where are you going?" He asked his breath hot on her neck as she shivered at the proximity. Closing her eyes she gulped on her saliva as his arms smoothly snaked around her petite waist, and her silky shirt, confirming his suspicion. She was never dressed for the hospital, the blood stains and emergency situations only ruined her good clothes. She had complained many times. 

His eyes trained on the silver chain around her neck and tugged into the shirt safely. She wants to hide it, furrowing his eyebrows he bent down and his lips brushed her collarbone as he slowly caught the chain in between his teeth. He heard her small whimper as her breathing heaved further, taking her chain he inspected it, the small black beads and the princess-cut diamond in the middle, were enough to tell him what it was. He smirked as he kissed the diamond softly, eyes trained on her closed ones. "Where are you going, Ridz?"

         "Abhi..." She whispered softly. 

"Where?" He asked again.

       "For drinks, with Jay and Leader." She informed slowly as caressed his nose on her long neck. His focus trained on her minty smell, igniting his every sense.

  "When were you going to tell me?"

That made her snap her eyes open as she pushed him away with no effort, "Why the fuck should I tell you anything? Who the hell are you to me?" 

         "I am your..."


Da Da Dum.....

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