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"I am your husband! I hope you didn't forget that!" He scowled, his eyes again scanning her outfit. She was well dressed; in fact, very well dressed! He had never seen her put so much effort while going out on dates with him. The cream shirt and her tailor-fitted grey pants complimented her dusky skin tone well. 

          "I didn't forget shit! I didn't forget how you eloped with me and got married! I didn't forget how you fucking denied accepting that we are married to the outside world. I didn't forget that I am nothing but your secret!" She accused as unshed tears polled her honey brown eyes and her long finger with trimmed nails poked his chest. 

The palm of his hand circled her thin wrist as he drew her close to him; their noses clashed and their eyes stared at each other in a desperate attempt to understand each other. The two years they spent apart had made them distant. Abhimanyu realized this when his wife could no longer read his eyes or understand his feelings.

           Maybe, he failed to realize that sometimes, he should also try to understand her emotions. "Ridz, please!" He begged for her understanding, which she refused. 

     "Abhimanyu, leave!" She whispered to herself as she detached herself from the man she had loved from an early age. 

      "I don't like this!" He whispered as he rubbed his face in pure frustration. He missed those days when he would talk to her about everything and anything and she would understand! He didn't have to beg her to understand him; it came naturally to her. 

"Nobody does!" Riddhima groaned as she slumped back into her chair. Her eyes trailed to her cream-colored sandals. She wondered if she should have painted her nails grey. But her thoughts were disturbed by the loud bang of the door, her husband had left once again!

           Why would he keep running away? She groaned in annoyance as she closed her eyes, trying to calm herself.  Was she wrong? To hope that after two and a half years of marriage, at least now he would be happy to tell his family about her! She was sick and tired of his family only knowing her as his annoying teammate and now a doctor. Was she being too selfish to put her needs first?


       Rey couldn't believe that his parents wanted him to marry Sharon! Sharon of all people! He knew it was just a phase and they would soon get over it! Especially, after meeting Taani! His eyes trained slowly on his girlfriend, who sat in the passenger seat. Her chocolate brown eyes trailed at the red signal and her brows furrowed in confusion. Her biting her lower lips in confusion, he knew the wheels in her head were already spinning; maybe wondering what had happened between him and his family. 

       "Rey? Drive! You can stare at Di later!" Tammy spoke from the backseat as she pulled him out of his dazed state. Taani snapped back to her sister, with eyes narrowed. Rey shook his head at the lack of tact, the young girl possessed. 

"What?" Tamanna scoffed as she slumped her back further into the seat and gazed out of the window. 

        "Sharon said Rinni called her!"  Taani spoke looking at him, her gaze softening instantly as she eyed his rugged features. She couldn't start expressing how thankful, she was to have him next to her in such an important situation. 

"Yes, Vicky's calling me too. I just don't know what to say..." He muttered slowly.

      "Yes, they are all calling.." Taani noted as she remembered the couple of missed calls from Neha and Amar.  She tapped her cell phone, absent-mindedly. They couldn't tell them exactly why they were in Pune, Shadow Operations had always been a secret and it had to remain so, Taani had already created a blunder, as she involved Rey and Sharon in it. But, no more than that, she just couldn't tell the dance team that her father worked for the now infamous Shadow Operations. 

"Yes, it's been around 6 days.." Rey nodded as he took the right turn and again set the speed to the car. 

         "You should go back!" Taani nodded as she now eyed her fingers in fascination. 

"Dad will be discharged soon and we can handle the rest! You, Sharon, and Bhai should go back!" She spoke firmly this time.

         "I know you can handle things on your own, Taani! But, that doesn't mean that you should!" Rey spoke as he pulled over in the parking lot. 

"I am not taking, No for an answer! Tammy get down!"Tamanna sat quietly as she admired her sister and her sister's boyfriend, their interactions making them seem like married couples.

         "Well, you just got told!" Tamanna whispered as she got out of the car, she heard the dancer sigh and turn the ignition off. 


          "Simmi, what is this?" Vicky asked as he saw his friend reading a newspaper. He rushed forward and held his palm on her forehead, to check her temperature. The dance teamed chuckled at the frustrated look that crossed the girl's eyes. 

"Did you know anything about this organization called Shadow Operations?" She inquired pointing at the news article.  Nil stepped forward to read the article, and his eyes stuck to one name in particular 'Sumeet Shekhawat' the similarity of that name to his college friends couldn't be ignored. 

        "How old is this newspaper?" Nil muttered as he scrutinized the way the paper was unkempt. 

        "A week, at best!" Simmi answered.


Hope you like the chapter! Do comment with your thoughts about the revelations about Abhimanyu and Riddhima!

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